Chapter 24

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A week later, we see the 75th Rangers, JSDF soldiers, Russian soldiers, and Wolf demi-humans still in the town either doing patrols or digging trenches outside of the town.

Most of the troublesome female knights were locked in a stockade where Wolf demi-humans are guarding it.

In the middle of slums like part of the town we see Russian and US Marines and Barbarian tribesmen aimed to enforce a strict no-slavery policy. They conducted thorough door-to-door checks to identify and free those held in captivity. It was a reflection of the new world's principles and the commitment to justice and human rights.

Now where did these Marines and tribesmen come from?

Well, just like Major Turner's convoy. A convoy of Russian and US Marines and Barbarian tribesmen were called in by Major Turner for extra protection.

Meaning right now in the town there's about:

632 Soldiers(75th Rangers, JSDF soldiers, and Russian soldiers).

48 Wolf demi-humans.

528 Marines(Russian and US Marines).

78 Barbarian tribesmen.

In total it's 1,286 troops and allies while there's only 794 female knights. 54 are in the stockade.

A Russian Marine, Private Irina Viktor, and a US Marine, Corporal James Oliver, stepped out of a modest house. The house was now devoid of any oppressive presence; the Marines had ensured its occupants were safe and no longer subjected to mistreatment.

As they emerged from the house, they were met with a touching scene. A group of children and demi-humans had gathered outside, among them a cat girl who had clearly been through a traumatic experience. Irina noticed the girl's trembling form and knelt down beside her.

"Hey there, it's okay," Irina said soothingly in a mix of Russian and English, trying to convey comfort with her tone and gestures.

James, a kind-hearted man, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bar of chocolate. He offered it to the cat girl with a warm smile.

The cat girl hesitated for a moment, her big, fearful eyes meeting the Marine's. She eventually took the chocolate, her fingers trembling as she unwrapped it and took a cautious bite.

Irina gently placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, offering her a reassuring presence. The other children and demi-humans watched the interaction, their faces slowly shifting from fear to a glimmer of hope.

It was a simple act of kindness, a moment of compassion that transcended boundaries and languages. In that moment, the connection between the soldiers and the people they were here to protect began to grow, bridging the gap created by their differences.

The trauma wouldn't vanish in an instant, but this small gesture was a step towards healing and rebuilding trust. It was a testament to the power of human connection, even in a world marked by change and turmoil.

"Jesus....They were little boys in this fuckin' house." Said a Russian Marine as watched Irina and James comforting and giving chocolate to the traumatized children.

"Don't forgot they were also Demi-humans in that house." A Barbarian tribesman said as he walked up next to the Russian to watch the scene, "Still, we only just got to this continent. Who's to say that more towns or cities are like this?"

The Russian gave his comrade a worried but angered look, "Then we do what did to the Holy Knights of the Holy Empire. Fuck. Them. Up."

The Barbarian tribesman can only nod in agreement.

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