Chapter 20

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The initial shot from Chris's M27 signaled the beginning of the battle. The crack of gunfire echoed through the air as the Demi-Human defenders unleashed their own volleys of arrows, spells, and various melee weapons. The Holy Knights, clad in their armor and brandishing swords and shields, charged forward with fervor.

Chris's next move was quick and decisive. Seeing a group of Holy Knights forming a tight formation, he swiftly attached a HE 40×53 mm high-velocity grenade to his M203 Grenade Launcher. He calculated the trajectory, adjusted his aim, and then pulled the trigger. With a whoosh, the grenade launched from the M203, sailing through the air and landing directly in the midst of the Holy Knights.

The explosion that followed was powerful and devastating. The concussive force sent Knights flying, armor and bodies torn apart by the blast. The battlefield was momentarily obscured by smoke and debris. Chris's calculated shot had decimated a significant portion of the approaching enemy force.

As the smoke began to clear, Chris wasted no time. He switched his attention to his M27's main barrel, firing off controlled bursts at the remaining Holy Knights. His accuracy and skill proved invaluable as his shots found their marks, dropping Knights one by one.

Kwela and her fellow Demi-Humans fought fiercely as well. Arrows whizzed through the air, finding gaps in armor and striking Knights with precision. Elemental spells cast by wizards created fiery explosions, adding chaos to the battlefield. The Russian Dragon Knight, Alexei, transformed back into his draconic form, unleashing bursts of flame upon the enemy ranks.

Above them, the Ukrainian Mil Mi-28 Havoc attack helicopter circled menacingly, its autocannons and guided missiles raining destruction upon the Holy Knights. The Dragon that had answered Chris's signal also took to the skies, diving down to engage with powerful breath attacks that engulfed the enemy in flames.

The Holy Knights, once a formidable force, were now reeling from the combined efforts of Chris, the Demi-Humans, and their powerful allies. Their formation shattered, their ranks dwindling, they struggled to regain their footing amidst the onslaught.

In the heat of battle, Chris's radio crackled to life once more. "Lance-Corporal Towson, this is Captain Towson. We've got you on our radar. Hold tight, reinforcements are en route," Anthony's voice came through, carrying a note of relief.

Chris couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and determination. With his allies and the combined strength of the Demi-Humans, they were holding their ground against the Holy Knights. The battle was far from over, but their determination to protect their home and each other burned brightly.

Soon, reinforcements came. It was Chris' infantry battalion, followed by a few V-22 Ospreys, UH-1Y Venoms, Mi-24 Hinds, JGSDF AH-64D Apaches and a couple of Bees and Wasps Demi-Humans.

The marines, soldiers and airborne Demi-Humans begin taking out Holy Knights left, right and center.

Coming out of one of the V-22 Ospreys, is Chris' older brother Anthony Towson and his platoon Sergeant. Chris rushes up to Anthony and salutes him, "Lance-Corporal Towson, reporting in, sir!"

Anthony salutes back to his brother, "At ease, Lance-Corporal."

Chris relaxes and looks around for a bit then ask, "Where's my platoon Second Lieutenant?"

Both his platoon Sergeant and his brother look at each other before answering in unison, "Special court-martial."

"Let's just say your sergeant sent me vivid details of your mission and how highly risky it was and it ordered to by high command to not send troops by themselves no matter what. That Second Lieutenant of yours disobeyed a order from command and tried to put the blame on you. Luckily, your platoon, your platoon sergeant and myself caught wind of this before the Lieutenant could report it." Anthony explained to Chris.

Summoning the CountriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora