Chapter 48

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Keith gaze and scans the area for any signs of additional threats. "The Codsworth soldiers won't hesitate to retaliate, especially after witnessing their Commander fall."

Mary handed Anthony one of the hybrid rifles, gesturing towards the ongoing battle. "Take this M1 Baguio. It's a prototype weapon developed by the Soronox Union. Packs quite a punch and should help even the odds."

Anthony looked at the rifle, noting its unique design and sturdy build. "Thanks, but no thanks." He gestures his M27, "THIS, packs a punch, a Sustained rate of 36 rounds a min and it features a gas-operated short-stroke piston action with a rotating bolt and a free-floating barrel."

"Wow..." Both Keith and Mary muttered in a amazement at the assault rifle.

"But anyway. Let's make sure those Codsies(Codsworth soldiers) regret their decision to attack us." Anthony spoke just as a they spot a line of Codsworth soldiers 600yd from their position.

"RELEASE THE TROLLS!!!" A Codsworth Commander shouted.

"Trolls?" Anthony spoke confused on the matter, while Keith and Mary mutters a worried 'Oh no...' as the line cleared for a heavy amount of trolls charging towards their lines.

Keith was about to call for a fallback order, but Anthony was quick to call something else.




Keith, Mary and other Soronox Union forces watched as Orcs and Cyclops in USMC MARPAT, ROKMC Combat Uniforms and Japanese MARPAT charging in with their fellow marines who fixed their bayonets on their rifles.

They also saw FEKs and kitsunes charging in too. The FEKs had their swords and shields out as well.

As the chaos of battle escalated and the ground quaked under the weight of charging trolls, the combined forces of the Soronox Union, UNE, and their allies rallied together with unwavering determination.

Keith's keen eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation as Anthony's orders rang out with the fervor of battle-ready Marines. Mary, her expression focused yet resolute, readied her weapon, prepared to stand alongside her comrades-in-arms.

With a determined nod, Keith relayed orders to his fellow soldiers, coordinating their efforts with precision. "Hold the line! Support our allies! We will not falter!"

Meanwhile, Anthony's decisive leadership spurred the Marines into action, their bayonets gleaming in the sunlight as they charged forward, their voices united in a thunderous cry of "OORAH!"

The Orcs and Cyclops, battle-hardened and fierce, surged ahead with their Marine counterparts, their loyalty unwavering as they faced the oncoming onslaught of trolls.

Beside them, the FEKs and kitsunes, armed with swords and shields, moved with agile grace, their determination evident in every step as they met the enemy head-on.

In the midst of the chaos and carnage, a sense of camaraderie and unity prevailed among the diverse forces, bound together by a common goal: to defeat the oppressors and pave the way for a brighter future.

With courage in their hearts and steel in their hands, they charged into the fray, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, they were unstoppable.

"Prepare for close combat engagement!" Keith shouted, rallying his troops to brace for the impending clash with the trolls.

Mary, her eyes sharp and focused, nodded in agreement. "We need to support our allies and keep those trolls at bay!"

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