Chapter 13

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Across the lands and seas, the news of the allies' victory spread like wildfire. People from all corners of the world rejoiced and celebrated the triumph over the demonic forces that had threatened their very existence. The streets were filled with jubilant crowds, their cheers and applause echoing through the cities and villages.

In the United Races Kingdom (URK), a grand procession was organized to honor the brave warriors who had fought valiantly against the demons. People lined the streets, waving flags and banners, showering the returning soldiers and heroes with flowers and confetti. The air was filled with music, laughter, and tears of joy as the nation expressed its gratitude and relief.

In New Russia, the news reached every corner of the vast country. The bells of cathedrals chimed, and the Russian people poured out into the streets, raising their voices in song and dance. The triumphant soldiers were hailed as national heroes, their names etched in the annals of Russian history, forever celebrated for their bravery and sacrifice.

In the North American Continent countries (NACC), parades and ceremonies were held to honor the fallen heroes and express gratitude to the victorious troops. People of diverse backgrounds and cultures came together, united in their joy and appreciation for the shared victory. The air resonated with cheers, applause, and heartfelt speeches, as the NACC nations reaffirmed their commitment to peace and unity.

Similar scenes of celebration unfolded in Japan, South Korea, Australia, Ukraine, New Zealand, Philippines, Botswana, New China, and among the other allied nations. People gathered in public squares, parks, and stadiums, embracing one another, their faces beaming with elation and relief. The victory belonged to all, transcending borders and differences, forging a common bond of shared triumph.

The news of the victory also reached the kingdoms of the mythical races. From the Dragon Kingdom to the Elven Kingdom, from the Mermaid Kingdom to the Harpy Kingdom, celebrations of epic proportions took place. Magical displays illuminated the skies, enchanting melodies filled the air, and the creatures of myth joined in the revelry, expressing their gratitude for the allies' unwavering resolve.

In the aftermath of the great battle, the world was forever changed. The victory had not only brought freedom from the demonic threat but had also fostered a spirit of unity and resilience among nations and races. The scars of war would heal, and the memory of the fallen would be honored, serving as a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice that had secured their collective future.

Amidst the joyous celebrations, there was a renewed sense of hope and determination. The world had witnessed the power of unity and the indomitable spirit of humanity and its allies. As they moved forward, the lessons learned from the battle would guide them in building a future founded on peace, cooperation, and the unwavering belief that together, they could overcome any darkness that might threaten their world.

And so, the cheers of victory echoed across the lands, reaching the farthest corners and touching the hearts of all who heard them. The allies had prevailed, and their triumph would forever be etched in the annals of history as a testament to the unyielding strength and resilience of humanity and its allies.

A few days later, we see Towson in civilian clothes in URK and in the middle of a circle of women.

From his wife Dar(the barbarian daughter), Miliy, the Orc maid he saved, a cat woman, the harpy he met, a spider woman, the young dark elf woman, a female goblin and the former princess of the small kingdom.

From his wife Dar(the barbarian daughter), Miliy, the Orc maid he saved, a cat woman, the harpy he met, a spider woman, the young dark elf woman, a female goblin and the former princess of the small kingdom

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