Chapter Twenty Five

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One of us wants to eat, one of us is going to be swallowed up in little pieces.
~Hélène Cixous

Track 25.1: With You In My Head, by UNKLE & The Black Angels

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DAY 113
6:15 AM

While you were preoccupied with Law and assisting him in the shower those who had come to look up to you as Alpha were preparing for war. Robin is sitting at the white marble counter in the kitchen, her lithe fingers flipping pages every minute or so. Just as you had predicted, the first half of the tome was nothing but useless information. All it detailed was how the legends and stories of Norway were first brought to life. She had already made it halfway through the last segment before she finally landed on a chapter that she needed. The title of it didn't beat around the bush at all: lycanthropy.

Nami notices her change in energy. The others do too, including Astrid and Kira. Your white-haired friend was still trying to get Zoro's attention without starting a fight. He had finally given in to her company, but wouldn't speak to her. He had no idea what to say. How do you even begin to build a relationship with a complete stranger he had only met for the first time just under two hours ago. Should he ask her 20 questions? He is leaning against the counter next to the sink, holding an opened beer in his hand, but has yet to take a drink. He already feels drunk enough off of Astrid pheromones, he wasn't sure if that would help or make it worse.

Kira was caught completely off guard with her soulmate's reaction to making eye contact for the first time. Having recently been desensitized to Niji and his love bombing, it didn't take her long to realize that Sanji was nothing like the other Vinsmokes. He had only gotten out of the shower seconds after you and the Heart pack carried Law and Bepo both through the back door. The second he realized just what she was to him he was head over heels. His normally flirtatious nature kicked in overdrive and he attached himself to her like Velcro. The conversation they shared was nothing more than whispers.

Zoro can't help but feel envious of Sanji's skills when it came to women. The two of them had been at each other's throat since the day they first met, but today was a day that Zoro hadn't seen coming. For once, he didn't want to rip all of the cooks' hair out: he wanted to ask for advice. He had no experience when it came to making introductions and courting a lover. He excelled in fighting and getting lost.

Jami takes a sip of her coffee, hazel eyes watching as Gizmo and Kid re-enter the living room. Before she had bonded with Ace, she was nothing more than a normal human being. After being with him for a little over two years, her senses were heightened to an extent. She couldn't identify anyone in particular by their scent besides Ace. That didn't make it any easier to ignore the skyrocketing tension inside her house.

There's a knock on her front door. Killer and Winfrey were the closest to it, so they went to check out who it was. Those who had gone off on their own quests already knew that they didn't have to announce their arrival. The blonde dryad opens the door to find a tall man with dark curly hair, looking down at her. It's Brook.

"Sorry I'm so late," he scratches the nape of his neck. "My tour manager wanted to argue with me about what a family emergency is."

Winfrey her ombré eyes. "It's OK, we're still in the middle of preparing." She steps to the side to let him in.

The rockstar turns to Franky, his best friend. It only takes them a second to do a weird handshake and dive into business.

Meanwhile, Tashigi is in the heart of town. Her and Colby—a volunteer brought to Smoker by Mihawk—are making their way door-to-door down the streets. They knock and apologize for the early disturbance when the residents come to the door. Both of them explain that Smoker is allowing a hunting party to be ran outside of town. The citizens are curious seeing that this information is coming at quite an odd hour of day, but everyone who lived in Whitecap knew that this town wasn't like the others. When asked about the party, the claim was supported that they were hunting down a beast in the woods. None of them think twice due to the fact that Smoker had published an article in the newspaper about a dangerous animal just before winter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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