Chapter Two

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And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is for certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.
~ Haruki Murakami

Track 2; Run Baby Run by The Rigs

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You couldn't find any words to ask the questions that you wanted to ask after that statement. Your mind was running haywire. How far were you from home? How long has it actually been since you were taken? Where were you exactly? Who brought you here? Who were these other women and why were they here, too? What was your purpose here? What was happening at home? Was Law okay? What about Gizmo and her toddler, Law, Jami and her horses, Law, Kinsey, and Winfrey, and Ace, Law, Marco, Law, Kid, Bepo—Law. The names and faces of those you cared for were jumping in and out of your brain like ping pong balls. The one that would not stop showing up and sending a shock through you every single time was your one and only.

You weren't entirely sure if your emotions were written across your forehead or if you were practically sweating them, but the two unfamiliar companions that had arrived shortly after you had woken seemed to understand exactly what was happening in your brain. The voice of the whitehaired women put your brewing mental breakdown on hold for a second when she introduced herself and her friend.

"I'm Astrid, and this is Kira." Her turquoise eyes seemed to pierce through your riptide of emotions, causing an oddly reassuring sense of safety to shelter you temporarily. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but I'd like it if you'd let me make you something to eat before we unload all of that on you because it's a lot."

Astrid turned and left the room, a silent cue for you to follow. Kira on the other hand stayed in the doorway until you were comfortable enough to start walking. She gave you a gentle smile when she stepped out of the door to let you through. Halfway down the hallway, Astrid had stopped at the opening of another room to wait for the two of you. You let one hand gently close the door behind you while you subconsciously covered your old bond mark with a free hand. Even though you were thousands of miles away from your soulmate, you swore that you could physically feel him there with you. Or at least he was tugging on the faint and fraying invisible string that connected you to him. Every inch of your animalistic senses wanted to grab ahold of that string and cling to it like a lifeline but a backended survival instinct told you not to.

The hallway that you had stepped into informed you that you weren't in a small place. To the right of your door was a tall floor-to-ceiling window that gave you a good sight of the same image in the room you had woken up in—the dense thicket of trees bowing and swaying with each gust of wind while the rain almost concealed them entirely from view with its diagonal descent. You'd never seen a storm like this before in Minnesota, so needless to say it made your anxiety skyrocket when the loudest clap of thunder you had heard in your life rattled the walls around you. In order to keep yourself from dissociating thanks to being overwhelmed you quickly averted your eyes from the window to look at the hallway that you were in. The Great Lakes were able to brew up storms that rocked the small town of Whitecap but they never conjured up one that made it seem like the world was ending outside.

When you turned back around to face where Astrid and Kira were, you noticed that neither of them had moved from their original positions. It seemed to you that they were letting you take as much time as you wanted to fully assess your surroundings. Was it them trying to let you mentally prepare to hear the hell that you were in for or was it them not being able to ignore the fact that you were almost paralyzed with underlying fear? By taking a quick glance at their faces you were easily able to read Kira's sympathetic look while Astrid remained primarily neutral, the unwarranted twitch of her right eyebrow clued you in on her curiosity. You inhaled through your nose before letting yourself exhale heavily in order to ground yourself before scanning the hallway again.

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