Chapter Ten

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"Through pain and turmoil courageous hearts are born."
~ Julie Anne Addicott

Track 10; We Have It All by Pim Stones

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The cold around you was suffocating, one that creeped down your throat and choked you. It filled your lungs and soaked into your veins like a newfound drug that you couldn't get enough of. You wanted to get out of it, as far away as possible. Your heart began to panic, beating frantically against the walls of your chest.

"Get out of the water."

I'm sinking.

Whose voice was that? You tilt your head up, trying to focus your eyes through the dark water swarming around your head. The waves are illuminated by a ring of light.

"You'll die if you don't start swimming."

You do as the voice suggests, knowing you needed to get out before you truly drowned. The water you're in feels more like tar as you move your limbs, lungs constricting even more than you thought possible. There is nothing but unfathomable depths below your feet. The cold continues to seep into your bones, making every muscle feel heavy and as liquid as the water around you.

"Are you even trying?"

You can't move your arms at all anymore, and you can feel yourself sinking further and further. You helplessly watch as the ring of light begins to fade as you descend into darkness. You close your eyes, unable to find the energy to even keep them open anymore. It was impossible.

What is...the point?

Your thoughts were slow to coagulate in your brain. The cold was seeping into your nerves at this point, encroaching every inch of your being like a predator starving for its last meal.

Home is...

Golden eyes sear into you. Your attempt at his name is no more than bubbles escaping your throat, rapidly rising towards the unreachable surface.

So lonely.

"Are you giving up on me?"

Your heart aches, and you can't withhold your choke of tears, inhaling tar-like water instead.

"On us?"

Your eyes open, and you cannot see anything but black around you.

"Why aren't you fighting for me?"

You blink awake, finding the familiar sight of the canopy above the bed. It eased your racing heart, alongside the two warm bodies on either side of you. You can hear the rain pattering against the window outside and the wind howling through the dark ocean of evergreen trees. Your heart flutters in your chest and you sit up to wipe the sweat from your brow. The person on your right does the same.


Her turquoise eyes flit through the darkness of the room across your face before meeting yours. She reaches out and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, something that reminded you of the only maternal figure you had. "Are you alright? You've been out for at least 32 hours."

"32 hours?" You echo her and look to your left to see Kira fast asleep. "What time is it?"

There's a moment of silence before the white-haired woman speaks up again. "It's 3:23 AM."

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