Chapter Eleven

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To understand another person, you must swim in the same waters that drowned them.

Track 11; Down by Simon & Trella

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The wind howled around you. It buffeted you, pushing you ever closer towards the edge of the cliff you were already toeing. You could barely hear your heart over the snakes of air sending your hair every which way. Your breath came in short bursts, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your fingers were numb from the cold, signaling you to the rain pelting down on you. Below the apex of your Converse, enormous black waves crashed against the rocky wall. You could practically taste the salt of the sea on your tongue.

Though you couldn't hear a single thing besides the roaring wind, somebody was behind you. It wasn't somebody you recognized. Another gust skirted you closer to the edge, pebbles skittering and plummeting into the dark depths below. Your heart leaped out of your throat at the thought of turning your back to the water. Would the unstable surface you stood on give way if you moved?

Slowly, you shifted one foot at a time, only by inches. Something within you told you to be careful, that one wrong move could be your fatal end. Your breathing became rhythmic, echoing in your ears alongside the roaring of blood. Whoever was behind you wasn't a friend. The rain had soaked you to the bone by the time you had fully rotated around. Your hair was plastered to your skin in thick clumps, leading your teeth to chatter. You weren't sure if it was from anxiety or how cold you were.Your gaze was unsteady. You refused to look up from your sneakers, (e/c) irises locked on the mud expanding underneath it.

Black boots entered your eyesight, nearly touching your own drenched shoes.

Your eyes were heavy when you dragged them up, taking in the sight of the man standing before you.

His expression was neutral, though his burning azure eyes bore into yours. Your heart skipped a beat, or maybe it stopped entirely when his palm encased your cheek.

He was warm.

He was four walls with a hearth in the middle of a rainstorm.

He heard something, and he immediately took a defensive stance. Something black blurred in your peripheral vision.

It slammed into you.

Your left foot slipped off the edge. Whatever breath you held in your lungs ceased to exist in that moment. Your hands grabbed for the closest thing you could reach—Yonji.

His own shot for yours, an emotion you never expected to see locked in on his features—terror. Whatever shoved you off the edge turned on him.

Your fingers brushed him.

You couldn't scream.

The world around you moves so fast, yet so slow at the same time. The wind distorts anything you think you can possibly hear, leaving you with only being able to look up as you plummet towards the treacherous waves below.

Before your back cracks the sea, you see two things.

One had jumped after you.


Behind him, staring down from the cliff's edge, was a black wolf.

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You're being shaken awake. Your eyes pop open and you sit upright, shoving whoever was manhandling you away. You're covered in a cold sweat and your heart is racing a million miles a minute. Your hands are shaking with adrenaline, and you attempt to steady yourself by running your hands through your hair. You lean into the headboard of the bed, letting your eyes scan the area in order to regain bearings of your surroundings. It wasn't until their large body hit the ground did you realize who it was.

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