Chapter Twenty

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You can't keep dancing with the devil and ask why you're still in hell.

Track 20.1; You Better Run by Unions

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DAY 108

"Bepo?" Astrid echoed you.

You didn't hear her.

You can't look away from him. You feel yourself ripped into an out-of-body experience. You watch as you stare blankly out the double French doors, (e/c) eyes locked onto the moving white wolf amongst the trees. Your legs feel heavy with cement. You can't move. You don't know how to get out of this situation. You want to be back in your body so you can get down to business.

"Who is Bepo?" Kira repeats Astrid's question and it snaps you back into focus.

The blood is roaring in your ears. Your body is running off of adrenaline, limbs shaking in apprehension. Your vision is beginning to go double if you don't maintain your steady pace of breath. You take a deep breath and shake your arms out before pivoting on your toes to face them.

"Bepo's a member of my pack. We have to go."

"We have to go?" Kira's voice is a mix of anxiety and excitement, or maybe it's just anxiety and you can't tell right now. It doesn't matter.

"This is our only way out. This is proof that they were coming for me." You had a feeling in the back of your head that someone was on their way for you, but you didn't expect it to take this long.

You run to the green bedroom, doing your best to keep your footsteps silent in order to not alert any of the Vinsmokes to your panicked rush. You don't know what you want to pack or what you'll pack anything in. You don't care about clothes right now, you just want one thing: that tome. It's on the nightstand. You lock onto it when you speed walk into the room. You grab it and turn to head back out the door. A spout of joy rockets through your chest when Astrid has a satchel in her hands.

"Where did you find this?" You ask as you take it from her.

"It was holding a collection of cookbooks in the pantry." She replied easily, pulling it open and putting the tome inside. "Listen, (Y/N). I don't think Kira and I can get out with you right now."

Any amount of joy fizzles in your chest. Your smile falls from your face and you furrow your eyebrows. "What? Why not?"

"Remember how we talked about the three of them chasing us all separately? They were testing us to see who was the fastest, right?"

You nod quietly in confirmation.

"You can outrun them. We can't. The most we can do is distract them or try to fight them off until you get enough headway."

"Wait, stop." You raise your hands to silence her where she was. She doesn't have the power to continue when you speak up again. "You want me to leave the two of you here? I can't do that. The two of you are family to me now."

"I told you she'd say that." Kira crosses her arms over her chest and chuckles dryly.

"Of course she did." Astrid confirmed with a soft smile. "We know we are, which is why we aren't giving you a choice when it comes to this. We know you'll come back for us. You already told us that we're a part of your pack."

You aren't sure what your heart is telling you right now. It feels like it's being split in thousands of ways. One was telling you to run straight to Bepo and head home, go back to your soulmate and your family. Another was telling you to take Kira and Astrid with you, to not leave them behind. A third part was telling you to tell Bepo to go get the rest and come back prepared for war. You knew despite being his alpha, he wouldn't listen to you. It had taken him too long to get this far, he wasn't leaving without you. Your brain was rushing with a thousand thoughts. You didn't want to leave them behind. You couldn't.

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