Chapter Twenty Two

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"There are teeth marks on everything he loves."
~ Yusef Komunyakaa

Track 22: Don't Follow by Shelby Merry

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DAY 111

The group ran over one hundred and seventy miles before you suggested you stop to sleep. The Vinsmokes hadn't continued their pursuit after you made it over the river, but that didn't ease your worries about being followed. You knew they wouldn't be far behind, especially now that all three of you had escaped. The run took roughly three hours with a break in the middle so you could sit down and get off your ankle. Kira needed to rest, too. Astrid remained unconscious until the group reached the next national forest in Idaho.

Kanisku National Forest was further East than Priest Lake, roughly in the center of the panhandle. It was popular during the spring and summer for camping and hiking as well as tours, but fortunately in the winter it was dead quiet; the perfect spot to hide out and catch a few hours of shuteye. You and Kira stayed at a secluded campsite while Wyper and Laki made their way into town for supplies. It only took them an hour to return with sleeping bags and cooking gear plus a tent large enough for you, Astrid, and Kira to sleep in. They did well for not being human.

For the first time in a long time, you slept soundly knowing the canic shadow on the tent wall at night was only Bepo.

When Astrid awoke, she was surprised to find herself staring at the gray roof of a tent. She blinked a few times to look around and gather her surroundings. She was laying in a black sleeping bag with an extra blanket stuffed inside. To her right was you, sitting with a cup of instant coffee in your hands. Kira was next to you with the same, the two of you talking in hushed voices. Her head was still pounding but not as bad as before. Neither you nor the black-haired Seer noticed her consciousness until she sat upright.

(E/c) and violet turned and looked at her.

"How are you feeling?" Kira asks.

"My head still hurts sort of, but I'm okay." Astrid informs her, using a hand to rub at her left temple.

"Do you remember anything from before?" You ask her, taking a sip of your coffee.

"I remember getting away from the manor..." she murmurs. "And meeting up with your wolf friend plus the vampires but that's about it."

"Makes sense." You commented calmly. "You passed out after we mentioned jumping over the river. Wyper caught you and we managed to get away."

"Really?" Astrid's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know if it was because of joy or anxiety. "They're chasing us, aren't they?"

"Without a doubt." A disembodied voice comments. You turn to find Wyper lingering outside the tent. He hasn't tried to enter in order to respect your privacy. "Since she's awake now, we should get moving."

"Right." You confirm with him. "Let her eat some food and then we can take off. Bepo still isn't back from hunting, either."

After assisting Astrid out of the tent, Kira helped her sit down next to the burning fire while you handed her a plate of food and a cup of coffee. By the time she was finished, Bepo was jogging back into the campsite and licking his lips. You, Kira, Laki, and Wyper had taken care of the tent and bundled everything into a group. Wyper shouldered them onto his back before confirming everyone was ready to go.

You headed East towards Noxon, Montana which took roughly forty five minutes. You stayed away from the main highways and roads, using the woodlands and unclaimed prairies as a route. To get to the other side of Highway 2 and continue through the National Forests you found an underpass that required you to cross a river.

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