Chapter Seventeen

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How can I love someone new when every night, I dream of you?

Track 17; The Lighthouse by Halsey
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DAY 49

The last two weeks have been relatively silent. Astrid and Kira had been taken out for a few days at a time, but were always brought back. You weren't sure how long it had been since you had last stayed up in Yonji's room, but some time had passed since then. He always came down instead, and would stay a night or two with you. You noticed that he would stay multiple nights in a row when he knew it was just you in the suite, as Ichiji and Niji were frequently dragging your companions out. There were a few days where he didn't come at all. You hadn't seen hide nor hair since four days ago, and you were conflicted on how you felt.

You didn't realize it would affect you this much, being away from him. It felt relative to how you felt when you were first taken from Law. The more that you felt this way about Yonji, the more you wanted to gut yourself like a fish. You had nothing but time on your hands to think and think and think about what Yonji had said to you that night. You don't remember having dreams...and if you are, then all you know is that they are painful. The one that sticks with you the most is the blood-stained black lycan you'd dreamed of outside your home in Minnesota. There were no other black wolves roaming through that small blink-and-it's-gone town, so it was difficult to deny the fact that it was exactly who your brain told you it was.

In your downtime or whenever you got the chance to be alone, you exercised your healing ankle. Your options of strengthening it were very minimal, but you knew how to avoid curveballs like that. The muscle wastage you'd experienced in your downtime was unlike any other, so you figured by doing different leg workouts you'd be able to build it back up. You were right. Slowly but surely, you were pushing yourself beyond a basic humans comprehension of recovery. Too much at once could do more damage than good, so it was easy to stop when you felt yourself reaching your limit.

The only thing allowing you to keep up with this strengthening is the fact that you wouldn't be able to get home without it. The faster you healed, the faster you could lay out a concrete plan with Astrid and Kira on how to get out of here. The more the days passed, the more you wished to know for certain if your family was coming to get you. You hadn't seen nor heard from them in a damn long time. It wasn't like when you were taken by Doflamingo. Now that you thought about it, the only reason you had known about them in the first place was because Kinsey's brother Jaxon had somehow made it into the monastery.

Doflamingo had higher security than the Vinsmoke siblings did out here in the Pacific Northwest, but he was also a Lich; part of the undead. The longer you thought about it, the more your head started to hurt. How come he could make it into that monastery without alerting the guards? Was it part of him being a changeling? Did it have something to do with them already knowing the location of Doflamingo's hideout or something else? Law did have history with Doflamingo, so all the dots added up to complete the picture.

Sanji had history with Yonji and the others. Since he hadn't mentioned the blond lycan back in Minnesota, you assumed that he got away from the family early. You remember him saying he was raised by a cook named Zeff, but he never mentioned where he was from originally. You figured he was adopted, so it made sense that he either didn't know or preferred not to speak about his early life. Now you know why Sanji had stayed quiet about all of it. Had he told anybody in the pack? What did they know of the situation? Did they have any clue where you were? Was someone coming for you at all or would you have to find a way out yourself?

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