Chapter Twenty One

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My head's above the water but I haven't seen the sun.
~ Unknown

Track 21.1: Meet Again by Harry Hudson

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DAY 109
04:13 AM

On the outskirts of down, buried deep inside the Superior National Forest lies a small horse ranch. It belongs to your cousin and soulmate: Ace and Jami. Usually the only people staying there were the two of them, occasionally some members of the pack would wander in for a few nights; nothing out of the ordinary. The snow continued to fall at its regular pace for this time of year, mildly sized flakes that didn't stop for hours. The barn was quiet and relatively empty besides Jami's three personal horses: Shadow, Zeppelin, and Ember. Her clients had been returned home, and their money refunded.

The last three months had been different.

After Law destroyed her shoulder, Ace, Marco, and Kinsey took her to the hospital. They said they were out hiking in the woods when she was randomly attacked by a wolf. Jami had to undergo a full shoulder reconstruction. The surgeons were flabbergasted by the damage to her shoulder and quickly reported the "animal attack" to Smoker. Said sheriff came by after she awoke from the procedure. Fortunately Ace had explained the story that he and the others had concocted on their way to the hospital shortly before he arrived.

Without missing a beat, Jami reiterated the same story. Their group was on a hike out on the Snowsap Trail when she was attacked by a wolf. She said that she doesn't remember much due to passing out because of the pain. Nobody was sure that Smoker believed them but he knew better than this being a random attack. He had grown up alongside the Duo anyway and was aware of their...paranormality so to speak. He shared the same story they created to the local newspaper and warned citizens to stay off of the trails. Smoker wasn't sure what was exactly stalking the outskirts of his town, but he wasn't about to go out there and find out when his gut told him that there were more capable beings to handle it.

Fortunately, the people in Whitecap listened. No one fell to Law's bloody canines after the warning was issued. This hasn't been the first time a dangerous animal roamed the hiking trails outside of town—living in the Superior National Forest had its consequences. Predators were one of them, and humans were more inclined to avoid them rather than interact.

Law had been hard to keep track of after he killed Thatch. He took off into the unclaimed woods and hadn't been seen since. The Heart Pack was doing their best to stealthily keep an eye on him, but when he caught wind of their scent he ran. Ever since November, he had been under the impression he was being hunted so his survival instincts were the only thing keeping him going.

No one was even sure if he was still "Law." He hasn't been human in months. Spending too much time in their wolf forms was dangerous, as it forced their humanistic tendencies to falter.

Ever since she had returned home, Ace's pack had stayed at the house—Marco and Kinsey included. Winfrey and Gizmo stayed for the first few days but it didn't take them long to return home after Itzel started asking where her mommy was. They stopped by every few days to check in. Shachi and Penguin stopped by as well to apologize profusely for Law's actions; she always waved it off. Luffy's group rotated in and out as well.Jami appreciated them and everyone's help greatly. There was just one problem: she was starting to feel suffocated. No one wanted to talk about what happened to Thatch either, which didn't help her inner turmoil in any way. They buried him in a small grove buried deep in the woodlands. There was a cross marking his grave, and beyond his name was a beautiful sight of the mountain line and a forested sea below.

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