Chapter Five

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If anyone else were to kiss me, all they would taste is your name.
~ Clementine von Radics

Track 5; Wiseblood by Zola Jesus

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Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, flitting across the expanse of your designated room in order to digest your surroundings and ease your unsettled heart and mind. Your hands ghosted over your neck, shivering at the pulsing wound on the one side when it fizzled under your touch. Yonji's grip had been so tight around your airways that you were sure there would be the outline of a handprint for days to come. You were unsure how you got back into your room, and when you had decided to take shelter in the corner furthest from the door, but you found solace in the small hideaway, hidden behind the dresser that you had shoved somewhat out of the way. It left enough room for you to sit with your back against the dresser, the front of your calves flattened against the wall.

It wasn't very comfortable, but you found solace in being unable to see the door. It made your anxiety fly through the roof, but at the same time you were able to dream about being back at home. You were unknowing of the time that passed while you stared at the lightning flashing outside your window. Your ears picked up the sound of the door handle turning, and you felt yourself shrink further into the corner with quivering lips. It slowly creaked open, and your heart almost soared with relief when no pheromones flooded your senses. It was either Astrid or Kira; more than likely it was both of them.

Neither of them turned the lights on after they closed the door. Leaving the room dark, they wandered over to sit next to you. They did not ask you to leave the corner. They understood how you felt since that was your first time dealing with one of the three, and their first experience had gone somewhat the same way. Astrid took one hand while Kira took the other, drawing your eyes away from the window and darting between the both of them. Nobody said anything, but them coming inside your room and comforting you was enough to draw you out of the corner.

Three sets of eyes watched the lightning flash outside the window, an unspoken agreement becoming a law between them and you.

"We'll get you out of here." Kira whispered after another roll of thunder. While neither her nor Astrid had much remaining for them back home, and technically no home to return to at this point, they knew it wouldn't be much of a loss to them if they did everything in their power to get you out of there.

"You don't need to do that." You replied abruptly, catching both of them off guard. Another flash of lightning blinded you for a split second but it did not change your train of thought. "What will happen to you two if you get caught?"

Astrid shrugged lightly, rising to her knees and reaching ro rip the green duvet off of the bed. She flung it over all three of you after she returned to her comfortable position. "You shouldn't worry about us, (Y/N). We don't have a family to get back to unlike you. I don't think all three of us would be able to get out of here at once, anyways, and so far Kira and I believe you're the one with the highest chance of surviving an escape from here. We wouldn't be able to all get out at the same time unless they wanted us to."

That answer frustrated you immensely. Never in your mind had you thought about leaving somebody behind. Your thoughts flashed back to meeting Winfrey; you hadn't dared leave her behind once you knew the reason she couldn't walk out if she so wished. Unlike the dryad, Kira and Astrid had no familial ties to Law or anybody that you knew in town. Instead, they were women who had no idea about their lycanthropic heritage or abilities. They had been plucked from their ordinary human lives and had their worlds flipped upside down compared to you.

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