Chapter Eight

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"some memories never leave your bones. like the salt in the sea: they become part of you.
—and you carry them"

Track 8; Howlin For You by The Black Keys

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The front half of the yard was covered with untouched snow, blankets of it mounting high enough to build almost a barricade around the small rambler. The snow closer to the yard was a different story, mounds created here and there as if somebody had dug frantically to find the solid earth underneath. Beside that there was a path that circled around the property line, wavering this way and that as if the creator had been distracted time and time again. The old Volkswagen Beetle sat stoically under the carport, a thick shield of ice covering the windows.

Winfreys gloved hand rose to brush a blonde strand of hair behind her ear, a small frown on her face when she came to a stop a few yards away from the front patio. This place looked practically abandoned. There were no tire marks showing anybody coming or going, same with foot and paw prints. None of the lights were on inside and the chimney wasn't puffing smoke as it normally would—like it would when you were home. She looked to her left, somber eyes lingering on the unused vehicle before she rolled her lips, taking a glance over her shoulder at the lycan standing behind her.

"You didn't have to come with me, you know."

The masked man tilted his head to the side, curious on how she considered him not coming with an option. Sure, this far her adopted brother hadn't lunged or snapped at her like he had any of the others, including his own packmates, but that didn't put Killer at ease for the dryad's safety. The resident lycan wasn't exactly a pleasure to deal with at the moment, and he was getting worse by the day.

"Just make it quick, please." He requested under his breath, shifting his black boots in the powdery snow.

She nodded softly and started off towards the far side of the house. His crystal blue eyes followed her until she vanished around the corner, apprehension tickling the back of his neck. He took a few strides forward and strained his ears for any abnormal sounds beyond the quiet atmosphere that surrounded your uncharacteristically empty home.

Killer wondered how Winfrey always knew where Law was, but he did not question it. The woman's ways were mysterious to him, yet that was half of the reason he found her to be so interesting. That, and the fact that he never thought he'd end up being bonded with anything besides a lycan or a human. The blond leaned his weight to one foot when snow began to drift down from the muted grey skies above. There was no end to its frozen tears in this state.

He was thankful when the short woman returned from the same corner she ventured beyond, though she had a neutral expression on her face. He didn't attempt or need to ask about Law's condition, he knew that she would tell him anyway. She came to a stop in front of him, running her gloved fingers through her pale yellow tresses before sighing, looking up at him through dark lashes.

"He's holding in for now. All of his wounds are healing like they should, but if he continues to lash out at himself like he is, then..." she pursed her lips and looked away, placing a hand on her hip and scratching at her cheek. She was discontent with watching Law unravel right in front of her. "It's only been seven days..."

Killer placed a heavy hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze, drawing her ombré eyes back to him. "Is there anything we can do?"

He understood where her train of thought was going—Law's reaction to you being taken this time was a hurricane of a nightmare compared to the first time. No more was he able to at least have rational conversations with the others, nor was he sane enough to assist in trying to bring you home. He was practically senile, and when he wasn't rampaging, he was in a catatonic state in the bedroom, staring out the bay window, lost in another hallucination his mind had created.

Eyes of Sin ☾ x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon