!SPOILER WARNING! My thoughts of all stars episode 2

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It continued after episode 1 and I love how they took the time to establish the dynamics in the teams

- Jake and Ashley becoming allies and NOT taking Fiore's shit.

Speaking which, Ashley landing on Fiore like how Amy landed on Sammy, made me chuckle a bit ngl...

- Ally being annoyed at Hunter just bc he forgot ONE game... girl chill

- James just being his usual self post s2 and allies with Hunter and Ally since he knows them well

- Hunter just wanted Fiore gone.. honestly can't blame him cuz you know she eliminated like most of the competition and made it to the final 2

Thank god for the gabellie shit in this episode

Gabby having to break up the fights between Tom and Ellie so she wouldn't be alone if the team lose and votes them out

As Gabby said , it is bad when SHE is the voice of reason.. which considering its Gabby then yeah.

Thank god for Jaiden shit in this.. hehe ...

Aiden and Lake being besties, and love how their interactions with the others

Ellie is just happy that she has Tess AND Gabby on her team is pretty sweet

Meanwhile in the yellow, Riya was actually being sweet to Connor this time.

Connor was a boys scout.. good to know, Maybe he and Lill will get along just well if she's in all stars

Yul having beef with the elderly once again. Did he pushed Miriam down the escalator considering what he said to her once he sees her?

Grett looks pretty sad... I feel bad for her.
She seems to geniunely became a better person for the past 2 years since season 1

The challenge was very fun to watch ngl..

But why tf are they wearing their swimsuits tho?? There's no water ...

The clip of Trevor and Derek showing the challenge was bit funny. Trevor was putting his whole heart onto it while Derek was standing there dead inside.

Don't worry everyone, Trevor didn't harmed the beaver. Hell, he even felt bad for his actions back in s1

Ngl, I was SHOCKED that James became the 1st boot of the season

"From last year's champion to first boot..."

I expect James to go home around pre merge but FIRST BOOT?!?! Geezz.......

Jake needs to CHILL tho. Bro is becoming a family friendly yandere for Tom and eliminated James just because his boyfriend is getting close to him.

James being a good boyfriend and defended Aiden's honor once Jake is accusing him on cheating as HE SHOULD

And he went out with STYLE and a wink to the camera. Just like Bowie went out with style in s2 of the reboot

It was suspicious on how Derek was reading out the patreon names instead of James himself, since usually the eliminated campers does that on the episodes that features an elimination.

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