Dan and Drew [Platonic]

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This was requested by raptorfluff. Sorry if it's shortn hope u enjoy it :D. Also it takes place between episodes 2 and 3

Dan wakes up and puts his glasses on. I'm glad to have some wonderful sleep last night thought Dan. He walks out of the tent in his pj's. He looks around to only see Drew. Thankfully, they don't have a challenge today.

  "Good morning Drew" said Dan. Drew turns to the older male and waves happily. "Where is everyone else?" Asks Dan curiously. Drew writes his answer in his notebook before showing it to Dan.

Tom and Jake are fishing, Miriam and Grett are still sleeping, and Gabby is going to visit Ellie from the purple team

"Gotcha." Responded Dan with a smile. "How did you sleep last night?" He continues. Drew turns to another page and writes down.

I slept very well and I'm glad that we won the previous challenge, Thx. And you??

"I slept well too, Thanks for asking" answered Dan. Drew smiles and nods before writing again.

Wanna hang out today since we have no challenge?.

"Sure, Drew. Let's go" said Dan before they walk off to chill near the lake.

Disventure Camp S1+2 BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora