James x Aiden - The proposal

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This was requested by adien_istrans. Hope you enjoy it :)

  James was holding a small box in his hands nervously. He has been planning to propose during the camping trip, symbolizing how they first met each other and fell in love.

  Obviously, he didn't do it alone. Rosa Maria helped him with the help and is his emotional support.

"Okay, James, Lake is about come back with Aiden. Remember what we practiced, okay?" said the teen mom to the taller male. "Okay. I remember." Said James.

  "Don't worry, James. I am sure that Aiden will accept your proposal no matter what. He loves you" reassures Rosa as she calms the influencer's nerves down. "Yeah. You're right, thank you Rosa" said James. "You're welcome, James. Oh, here comes Aiden and Lake. Good Luck" said Rosa before sprinting off.

"Hey James" said Aiden. "Hello Aiden. Can you close your eyes, I have something to show you?" Asks James. Aiden was confused but he closes his eyes. James pulls out the ringbboxand opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

  "You can open your eyes now, Aiden" said James. Aiden gasps in surprise and joy as he sees the ring.

  "Aiden, You made me happy and feel genuinely loved. I want to keep this forever....so will you marry me?" Proposed James. Rosa and Lake are watching from their hidden spots in joy for the couple.

  "Yes! I will marry you, James!" Answered Aiden in joy before they share a passionate kiss. Lake and Rosa came out and cheers.

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