Chapter 28

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Murtasim was sitting on the sofa in the living room. He rested his legs on the table with the phone in his hand, the court was kept next to him.
Meerab was moving around him to say something but couldn't. Came around a few times. Murtasim saw everything but pretended not to see it.

Meerab was standing in front of Murtasim. Murtasim narrowed his eyes and looked away. Then he got busy like himself. Meerab was annoyed by his behavior.

"It's nothing to get so worked up about. I didn't come to make love to you to look like the don't-care type."

Murtasim frowned at Meerab. Meerab was standing idly with folded hands. There was annoyance in her eyes and face.

Murtasim put his foot down and said,
"So what can I do to help you? What do you need me for?"

Meerab opened her hands and looked at Murtasim and said,
"I have come to talk about Sejan Bhai."

Murtasim did not digest this matter well. Meerab came to talk about Sejan.
Sejan himself will come to Murtasim when it is his matter.
Why send Meerab? There was no shame or shyness between them.

So he said with much surprise,

"Yes. About Sejan Bhai."

"What happened to Sejan?"

"No, nothing happened. In fact, I came to say something about him."

"Sejan, sent you? If he has something to say, he will tell me directly. Why send you?"

"Where did I say Sejan Bhai sent me? I came to talk about him myself. Actually I came to talk about Sejan Bhai's marriage."

Murtasim heard her and stood up.
"What? Marriage? Will Sejan marry?"

"If you tell him to marry, he will. You're the big brother. It's your responsibility."

Murtasim sat down. Then he started thinking again. After thinking for a while, he said with a serious face.
"I don't want Sejan to get married."

"But why? What's your problem?

"Of course there's a problem. He's my younger brother. I won't let him get into trouble. I don't want him to suffer. Woman means cheater. The way you played with my trust, the way you gave away my life, I will not allow anyone like that in his life. I will not give his life to anyone."

"You and I are different. Why are you connecting Sejan Bhai with this?"

"You don't have to think about it. I'm not marrying him!"

"But he also has a wish. He also needs someone."

"I'll think about that the day Sejan comes and tells me. I don't want to hear another word about it. At least from you."

Murtasim took the court and the phone from the sofa and left. Meerab sighed. When will Sejan tell and when will they get married. She did not know what to answer to Anita.
Meerab saw Sejan as she walked towards Anita's room. She hesitated as she fell in front of Sejan.

Sejan said slowly,
"What were you saying to Bhai? Why were you saying this?"

"For you and Anita. You love Anita."

Sejan said with forcing a smile,

"I don't want to get married right away. And besides, Anita is a quiet, decent girl. There's no reason why anyone shouldn't like her. But it's not what you think. It was just a crush but not love. None of that."

Meerab looked at Sejan. He was hiding his sight. Meerab understood very well that he would not go against Murtasim

Meerab sighed and said,

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