Chapter 17

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Murtasim was released today after three days. His body was somewhat fit but his legs hurt. Doctor said to take full rest for at least four to five days. Meerab fixed the pillow on Murtasim's back. Murtasim was half asleep. He was getting bored while lying down. Meerab extended the remote to him. He was watching news channel.

Meerab was looking at prescriptions and medicines and Murtasim was looking at her narrowly. Meerab's forehead was slightly wrinkled. She was flipping through the pages of the medicine and moving her lips and placing the medicine one by one in the medicine box. She kept the medicine and looked at Murtasim and said,
"I'm bringing you food. It's time to take the medicine."

Murtasim looked at the TV and said,
"There's no shortage of workers at home for that. You relax."

Meerab was neither surprised nor hurt to hear his words. Because these few days Murtasim was talking to her like this. Meerab quietly left the room. After a while she brought Murtasim's food and put it in front of him and said,
"Eat it."

Murtasim looked at Meerab. Meerab kept her cheeks puffy standing on the other side. Murtasim reached for the food but could not grasp it properly. His hand was still in pain.

"How can I eat? Don't you see the bandage on my hand? It still hurts."

"You have pain too? I'm surprised to hear that. Anyway, you've got servants for all your work. Wait, let's call them. They'll feed you. Okay?" Meerab replied.

Murtasim's eyes widened after hearing her words.
"What! I'll eat from the hand of the servant!"

"Then who will feed you?" Meerab asked.

"You. So far you've been the one to feed."

Meerab put her hand on her hip and said,
"I can't. I can't feed you. I'm not your servant. You've been telling me so much for so long. I've been feeding you every day. Now you're showing me servants? Eat from their hands. I can't."

After speaking, Meerab closed the door loudly and left the room. Murtasim watched her go and regretted his words. Now he has to eat with his own hands.

Is it the same thing to eat with the hands of loved ones and to eat with your own hands?

At 2am. Meerab was in deep sleep then. She spends her whole day with Murtasim. Murtasim suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about Meerab. Even after understanding many things, he realizes how difficult it is to pretend not to know. He slowly sat on the bed.

After sitting for a while, he got out of bed. As soon as he took two steps forward, he tripped and fell on the table in the dark. Meerab woke up to the sound of something falling. Not finding Murtasim next to her, she sat up in a huff.

Seeing Murtasim in the dream light, she turned on the bedside light and got out of bed. Seeing Murtasim, it is clear that he is in pain.

"How strange you are! The doctor repeatedly told you to be careful and take care of your feet. And you went up alone in the dark? If you don't have to call me, you could have at least turned on the light. Why are you so careless?"

"I didn't turn it on so I wouldn't disturb your sleep. Thanks for turning on the light."

Murtasim went to the washroom. Meerab looked at the clock. It's 2:13 p.m. It wasn't much of a night. Meerab went and stood on the balcony. Many nearby buildings were still lit. Many families were still awake then.

Murtasim came out of the washroom and started looking around without seeing Meerab.

Meerab responded from the balcony.
"I'm on the balcony."

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