Chapter 19

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A colorful month has passed with the colorful wings of love. Today Murtasim was setting the camera in the corner of the house. Even in the bedroom.

Seeing this, Meerab got angry.
"In the bedroom! Does anyone put a camera in the bedroom? What are you doing?"

"Meerab, it is not possible for me to sit at home without doing business. And it is not possible to keep you with me all the time. I don't want to take any risk. Wherever I am I'll have my eye on you. I'll know if you're in danger."

"So you're going to fix a camera in the house? Do I have no privacy?"

"What kind of privacy between husband and wife? No one but I can see."

"Then do one thing. Put a camera in the washroom too."

Murtasim smiled gently and said,
"I will if needed."

Meerab's eyes widened. Murtasim went to see if the balcony camera was installed. Meerab stood stunned. She didn't understand what he was doing. She was very angry.

Murtasim was watching Meerab on the laptop screen while doing office work. Meerab did not leave the room for the whole day. She did housework, lay down and read books, listened to music, slept. She did not go down to eat. Murtasim understood that Meerab was doing these things on purpose.

It was almost afternoon.
Meerab freshened up and went downstairs. Not to eat but to go out for a walk. But as soon as she went to the door, someone came forward and bowed his head,
"Sorry ma'am, you don't have permission to go out."

Meerab was surprised and said,
"What do you mean? I'm not going out of the house. I'm going to the garden."

"You don't even have permission to go there."

"Strange! Move, I'll go out." Meerab said.

"Sir will come back and punish us severely if we let you go."

Meerab ran to her room in a rage. A servant from behind called her many times to eat but she did not listen. She closed the door and went to bed, muttering in anger. She put a pillow over her face so that Murtasim could not see her.

After two minutes, her mobile phone rang. Murtasim called. Meerab received and listened quietly.

Murtasim said from the other side,
"Meerab, eat. It's late afternoon, why haven't you eaten lunch yet?"

"I won't eat."

Murtasim said a little harder,
"Meerab, eat it."

"I will not eat."
Meerab got angry and cut the call.


Half an hour later, Murtasim entered the house in a panic. Meerab was sleeping. Murtasim grunted.
"Can't I even work for you?"

Meerab sat up and said,
"When did I stop you from working?"

"Why didn't you eat?"

"Don't want to."

Murtasim got angry but calmed himself down. Then he sat next to her and pulled her close and said softly,

"I'm doing all this for you, thinking of you. Just for a few days. If I catch Zarif, you won't have to live like this anymore. You can be yourself. Cooperate for a few days."

Meerab still did not say anything. She was silent for a while and said,
"I don't like sitting quietly like this all day. How can a human live like this? I'm not a robot."

"Ok, eat and get ready. I'll take you to the ashram."

Meerab was happy to hear his words and went to eat.

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