Chapter 18

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The window curtains were fluttering slightly due to the wind. No windows or doors were locked at night. A slice of soft sunshine was falling on their bed through the window. The sound of birds chirping outside indicated that it was early morning.

Meerab woke up with a warm breath and the touch of lips on her forehead. Still she didn't open her eyes. She was lying down pretending to sleep. After a while she half-opened her eyes and saw Murtasim going to the washroom.

She closed her eyes again. She could not open her eyes for her sleep. The sound of the washroom door opening woke Meerab again. Her sleep is always light. She opened her eyes with annoyance. Murtasim was standing in front of the mirror getting ready. It was not known to Meerab where Murtasim was going so early in the morning.

Meerab said to herself,
"He won't listen to me. Once he's stubborn, he'll end Zarif's game. Zarif's chapter needs to end though. This man will not give us peace if he is alive. He will attack us again and again in our lives. Both Murtasim and I will be in fear. Sometimes he will attack Murtasim and sometimes me for revenge. Murtasim will be worried about me and won't leave me alone."

Meerab closed her eyes again. She was waiting to see whether Murtasim calls her or not. Murtasim stood near Meerab but did not call hee. He removed the hair from her face and slid his hand to her cheek and wrapped the sheet well. Then he got up and left. Meerab was sure of Murtasim's departure by the sound of the door closing. She opened her eyes and kept her face heavy. Then she buried her face in the pillow and fell asleep.

Zarif was sitting in a small cage. Couldn't stand inside that cage!!
He head was pounding!!
He could not move!
He had to suffer a lot.
He did not get proper food and water. Sometimes, if they were kind, they would give him some water and food.
He couldn't even sleep properly.
His whole body was in pain.

Zarif only thought if he could get out of here once but he had no hope. Murtasim's guards were always alert.
Murtasim entered suddenly. And seeing this falcon, Zarif's heart was drying up. Murtasim stood in front of him and bent his neck and straightened it again.

"Hey baby mouse? How do you feel? You look like a mouse. A little mouse in a mouse cage. Haha."

Zarif was roaring with anger. He could not say anything because of his condition. Murtasim went and sat on his throne with his legs hanging. And his eyes were on Zarif. Two men grabbed Zarif and brought him in front of Murtasim

Murtasim got up and stood in front of Zarif. He looked at Zarif from head to toe and said,

"What exactly am I going to punish you for? For picking up Meerab? Or for your man touching her? Or for planning something bad with her? Or for wanting to kill me?"

Zarif was just fuming in anger and not saying anything. Murtasim brought a knife and stabbed him twice in the eyes. Zarif was screaming and writhing. Blood was falling from his eyes. He held his eyes with both his hands.

Murtasim said with a devilish smile.
"Little gift to you for planning something bad for Meerab."

Then he cut off Zarif's two hands one by one with a big sword and said,
"It's for touching her."

Zarif's moans, shouts, screams were giving Murtasim great pleasure. Murtasim was smiling a smile of satisfaction. He was feeling peaceful. He was sitting comfortably watching Zarif's antics.

After a while he got up and kicked Zarif. Zarif was getting dull and was just humming.

Murtasim took out his revolver and riddled Zarif's body with full six bullets. Then said,
"It's to mess with me. To hurt me. To make Meerab cry."

He gave another kick to Zarif's body and handed the revolver to Sejan and left.

Meerab freshened up, was cleaning the room. She changed the bed sheet and spread a sheet of her choice. She was chanting and Murtasim hugged her from behind. Meerab jumped and screamed as she was suddenly hugged.

Seeing Murtasim she calmed down but was panting due to fear. Murtasim looked at her with a furrowed brow.
"Why are your hands so cold? I was scared."

Murtasim ignored Meerab's words and pulled her close to him. He was rubbing his nose on Meerab's nose. His frequent breath was falling on her face. Meerab gripped Murtasim's shirt tightly and closed her eyes. Murtasim kissed her on the lips and said,
"Did you have breakfast?"

Meerab opened her eyes and said,
"No, just freshened up and cleaned the room."

Murtasim noticed that Meerab's hair was wet. He ran his fingers through her hair and said,
"You look different today."

"How do I look?"

Murtasim said in a drunken voice.
"So hot."

Meerab blushed and said,
"Come down to eat."

Meerab pulled herself away from Murtasim and went to eat. Murtasim opened his mouth when Meerab was about to take the food in her mouth. Meerab put food in her mouth and said,
"You're healthy now, eat with your hands."

"What happens if you feed?"

"What did you start? Everyone's watching."

Murtasim opened his mouth again. Meerab motioned the servants to leave. When they left, Meerab was shyly feeding Murtasim. She was also satisfied seeing Murtasim satisfied.

She repeatedly thought that, 'Will she be so happy in her fate?'

Will there be any storm in this happy family of her?

A sigh came out of her mouth while thinking about this.


Meerab learned how to cook kheer by watching YouTube for a long time. Servants have provided her with all the ingredients for cooking and she was cooking kheer attentively.

Murtasim returned from office at noon and went directly to the kitchen for Meerab. Seeing Meerab cooking with interest he did not stop her.

At first he was angry when he heard that Meerab was in the kitchen. But he can forgive seven murders when he sees this smiling sweet face of Meerab. Because he loves her so much.
"What are you cooking?"

Meerab replied with a smile.

"Wow! You can cook kheer!"

Meerab became sad and said,
"I don't know how to cook. But I'm trying. I don't know how it will be. Anyway, I'm putting so much effort for you and you'll say it's good. Even if it's not."

"If you poison me with love, I will eat it."

"Don't talk nonsense. Go freshen up. I'm coming."

As Murtasim was about to leave, Meerab asked from behind,
"What about the mafia named Zarif?"

Meerab was eager to know the answer. She was looking with great interest. Murtasim frowned and said,

"That ba*t*rd, ran away. That's why I went out early in the morning without telling you anything."

A bunch of black clouds came down on Meerab's face.

"Escaped! What? He will try to harm us again. How did he escape from you?"

Murtasim was very happy to see the fear in Meerab's eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll catch him in no time. You just have to be careful. I'm providing adequate security for you. Don't be afraid."

Murtasim turned to the door and smiled softly. And Meerab was standing still.

Zarif's chapter was supposed to be closed but it didn't happen.
He ran away.
But how?

Murtasim left early for this in the morning.
Zarif went abroad again?
If so, how will Murtasim catch him?

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