Chapter 26

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Murtasim came in front of Meerab and took a look at Rocky and asked,
"What are you doing here?"

Meerab was surprised to see Murtasim talking so easily and calmly. Murtasim heard nothing of their conversation from a distance. Before Meerab could answer, Rocky replied,
"I'm here to pick up Meerab."

Murtasim looked at Meerab and smiled mischievously.
"Your boyfriend has come to pick you up. So much is happening in my house without me noticing. Wow! My cheating wife's boyfriend comes, they have an affair. They even plan to run away at my house. And I didn't even realize anything."

Meerab heard him and replied,
"Murtasim, it's not what you think. Rocky has never come to this house before. Today is the first time. And he is not my boyfriend."

"He's your boyfriend, I know everything. You bitch, you brought a boyfriend to my house. Did you think you'd run away with him? I'll kill both of you. You can't move a foot without giving me my baby."

Meerab gritted her teeth.
"Murtasim! Don't talk nonsense. You say whatever comes to your mouth. But I won't tolerate it."

"What are you going to do? Huh? Run away with him?"

Murtasim called one of his guards. Meerab got scared and told Rocky.
"Rocky, please leave. Get out of here quickly."

Rocky said as he left.
"I'll free you and take you out of here soon."

Rocky climbed the wall and got out. Murtasim did not want to fight Rocky. He left him willingly. Murtasim glared at Meerab and took her by the hand and led her into the room. He went to the room and said,

"How long are you going to put up with this shit? You brought him to my house. I just can't believe it. How can I tolerate you?"

Meerab wasn't responding to his words and didn't want to. Murtasim will speak for himself. She did not have to prove herself honest. Let him think what he likes.

Not getting an answer from Meerab, Murtasim was getting more angry. Her silence was increasing his anger.
"Why don't you say? Damn it!"

"Say what? What do you want to hear? I'm in a relationship with Rocky? You keep saying I'm in a relationship with Rocky so why are you asking? What else do you want to know? Yes, I'm in a relationship with Rocky. Happy?"

Murtasim wanted Meerab to say that she had no relation with Rocky but Meerab was admitting everything.
Murtasim sighed and said,
"Is the child mine?"

Meerab was stunned to hear him. How did Murtasim say this one thing? Meerab sat down listening to him without replying. Her eyes were watering. She held her mouth.
Seeing Meerab collapse, Murtasim left the room.

Rocky was pacing around his room wondering how to get Meerab back in his life. Murtasim will not leave Meerab for anything.
Once Murtasim lets Meerab go, Meerab will come into his life and be forced to come. But he was puzzled as to why Murtasim would leave Meerab. He thought for a while and smiled. He thought that Murtasim thought of him as Meerab's lover and capitalizing on this thought, he would enter Meerab's life.

A few days later.
Murtasim and Meerab's relationship was getting worse. There was a quarrel between them They blamed each other for various things. Murtasim was working in the office. Peon suddenly handed him an envelope. The envelope came in Murtasim's name.

Murtasim opened the envelope and got a paper. It looked like a test report. Murtasim was stunned to read the report. His eyes and face were covered with sadness. His whole world was hanging. He was feeling empty. Everything was breaking inside him. He covered his face with both hands. His eyes turned red. He crumpled the paper in his hand.

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