Chapter 2

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Murtasim was signing various files after an important meeting with the manager. Suddenly, Meerab rushed into his cabin and he looked at Meerab in surprise.

Meerab looked unusual. A man came after her and looked at Murtasim in fear.
"Sir, I forbade her many times. I told her a meeting is going on here but she didn't listen. It's not my fault here."

Meerab mumbled and said,
"Sorry sir! I entered here by force. I had no choice but to do so."

Murtasim gestured to the man behind Meerab and told him to leave. The manager looked at Murtasim taking the files. Then the manager looked at Meerab again.
"Mr. Mainul, your work is done. You can go now."

Mr. Mainul was shocked.
"Yes, Sir."

As soon as Mr. Mainul left, Murtasim got up from his chair and was coming towards Meerab.

Meerab's frightened look!!
Her trembling lips!
The short hair on her forehead, which she was repeatedly tucking behind her ears.

Murtasim was intoxicated by looking all this. Meerab stepped back in fear.
"What were you saying?" Murtasim asked.

"Sir, I'm Meerab. I joined yesterday. I was walking to the office canteen when I heard a man talking on his cell phone on the porch. I didn't know what to say, so I came here."

"What did you hear him say?"

"Sir, he was leaking company's information. What kind of information was he giving, I didn't understand cause I'm new. But I understood that he was giving important information. He was whispering like a thief."

Although Murtasim was fascinated by Meerab for so long, he was shocked hearing her words. Because he also thought that someone was leaking their information. But they couldn't identify him. They were looking for him secretly for two days.
"Who was he?"

"Sir, I don't know anyone here. I don't know his name."

"Can you recognize him when you see him?"

"Yes, Sir."


Murtasim shouted and called Sejan. Sejan came running and said,
"Yes, Bhai?"

"Make everyone in the office stand in line."

"Bhai! Suddenly?"

"I think we will get that culprit."

"Okay, Bhai."

Murtasim told Meerab,
"Let no one know this. But if the culprit is not found, your life will be in risk.'

Then looking at everyone one by one, Meerab came in front of Murtasim and said,

"Sir, he's not one of them. His hair is half-raw. He was a little short. He was wearing an S-color suit. He's not here."

"Okay. Now go."

Meerab left. Murtasim asked to arrange a quick meeting with the management.

At the end of the office time, Meerab was walking home after doing some shopping. Even then it was not late at night. It was just getting dark. There was no shortage of cars and people on the road.

Suddenly someone pressed Meerab's face and picked her up in the car. She was fidgeting to run. There were a few more people in the front and back. The car was moving fast somewhere. She couldn't understand who was taking her like this.

After a while, the car stopped in front of an abandoned godown. Meerab realized that she had been kidnapped because she had seen the person talking on the cell phone. So there was no profit in rushing. They will not leave her. 

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