Chapter 7

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Meerab could not be found anywhere in the house. Mizan uncle searched the whole house and went to the watchman to find out that Meerab had gone out. Mizan uncle started sweating.

Murtasim forbade Meerab to go out alone and she left without telling anyone!!

If Murtasim comes and finds out, what will he do?

Thinking this, Mizan uncle was sweating profusely.

Murtasim came home and went to his room and was calling Meerab while opening his tie. Meerab didn't respond. Leaving the tie, he went to freshen up in the washroom. He didn't call her anymore, thinking that she might be downstairs.

He freshened up and went downstairs wearing a t-shirt. Not seeing Meerab anywhere, he called her by her name again. But even here he did not get any response from Meerab so he was shouting in anger. All the servants ran and gathered at his shout.

"Where's Meerab?"

Everyone bowed their heads in silence and at that, Murtasim became more angry. He shouted, asking,
"I said where is Meerab?"

Mizan uncle got up from bed after hearing screams. For a few days he was a little sick. He signaled everyone to leave. Murtasim was still asking about Meerab.

"Baba! Meerab maa went out without telling anyone."

Murtasim clenched his fist and said,
"How dare she! Despite repeatedly persuading her, how did she get out? What were the others doing?"

"I'm sorry. I was feeling a little sick so I couldn't find it. But I didn't think she would go out without telling anyone. Maybe she needed to. Call her."

Murtasim quickly called Meerab's number. But it was repeatedly saying switched off. He kicked the sofa in front of him and said,
"Switched off."

He was very angry. He was so angry that he would destroy everything he found in front of him. He went outside and grabbed the watchman's collar. Watchman got scared and said,
"Sir, what have I done?"

"What have you done? Didn't I tell you that Meerab can't go out? Why did you let her go?"

"I told ma'am not to go. Ma'am said she have to go and she will talk to you."

"Why didn't you tell me? If anything happens to her, I'll cut a hundred pieces of your body. Then I'll feed it to my pet dogs."

He called her again. But her phone was switched off!!

Then he went to his room, took some papers and found the orphanage's number. He called and found out that Meerab had been out from there for more than an hour.

Meerab didn't take the car. All in all, it took about thirty minutes to come from the orphanage. So where is Meerab? Is she in danger? Thinking this, he got worried. With the car key, he hurried out of the house.

As soon as he left the house, a taxi came and stopped in front of the gate. Meerab got out of the taxi and was giving money to the taxi driver. Murtasim was relieved to see her. For so long, his head was spinning thinking about her.

Meerab came to the front of the door and stopped when she saw Murtasim's explosive look.
"Come into the room."

Meerab was standing there in fear. Her legs were not moving. It was as if her legs were stuck. Seeing her standing still, Murtasim glared at her. Then he grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs. Meerab couldn't keep up with the pace. The ladies bag on her shoulder fell down. Murtasim took her to the room and threw her on the bed.

Meerab stumbled. She was swallowing frequently. Murtasim turned her around and grabbed her by the throat.
"I see your wings have grown. Where have you been all this time?"

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