Chapter 15

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Meerab was sitting on the dining table with her arms folded. Food was in front of her but she did not notice that. She was thinking something. Getting ready for the office, Murtasim pulled up a chair and sat down to eat. A servant was giving him breakfast and his eyes fell on Meerab. Looking at her pale face, he got up from his chair and sat down next to her. And seeing him sitting beside her, she hesitated and sat properly on the chair.

"You're still upset? I won't go to the office today and stay with you. Ok?"

Meerab hesitated a little more and said,
"No need. You go to the office. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah! Everything will be fine if I take a little rest after breakfast. You go to the office after breakfast. You're getting late."

Murtasim sat down in his chair. Meerab looked at him once and picked up a spoon. Murtasim also paid attention to his food and after breakfast he wiped his hands and face with a tissue paper and stood up. Meerab was still eating. He tugged Meerab's disobedient hair behind her ears and kissed her cheek and said,

"I'll call you again and again after going to the office. I'll come back soon and will take you on a long drive in the evening. Okay?"

In response, Meerab smiled. Murtasim went to his office and Meerab went to the balcony and sat in a rocking chair.

What a situation her life came to be !!
Their wedding is about to complete 2 months. Eight months ago, life was different. Cheerful..

It was a normal life.

She had a happy normal life.

Meerab called her brother Shaan and he was not receiving the call. Meerab realized that Shaan must be angry with her. Shaan has been like that since he was a kid. If someone does what he does not want to do, he gets angry and takes what he likes.

Meerab was becoming restless. So she called Rocky and Rocky received the call. "Hello Pihu, what's up?"

Meerab sighed and said,

Rocky heard Meerab's voice without rhythm and said,
"What's the matter, Pihu?"

"Missing mom and dad." Meerab replied.

"Why do you remember all that?" Rocky asked.


"No, I mean to say you get upset thinking about those things. That's why I was saying." Rocky said.

"That's why I won't think of my parents?" Meerab asked.

"Ok sorry! Let's go out."

"No! Murtasim can come at any time."

"We'll find out when he comes back. What's the problem? You go back before Murtasim comes."

"I'm not in a mood."


After a moment of silence, Meerab said, "Rocky! I was right. Murtasim is a mental patient which is called Psycho."

"Are you sure?" Rocky asked.

"Yes! I'm sure. Mizan uncle told me. Yesterday he told me everything."

"Oh my god! That is why he and his works are so terrible. It's not possible for a healthy person to do all these. Now I am even more afraid for you. I don't know what will he do with you."

Meerab said with confidence,"He won't do anything to me. He's madly in love with me."

"It's a bigger problem. If he finds out that someone he trusts and loves so much has played such a big game with him, he will give you the most terrible death."

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