Of Alcohol and Addiction (Another Small Extract)

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The next morning, Liz got up bright and early to finish her packing. Everyone else was still fast asleep, worn out from the previous day's exertions. She studied James' face, then Ash's. She had not seen both of them so peaceful... since ever. From James' soft snoring, his peaceful, almost angelic expression, and the trail of drool down his chin, she could pretend that they were still kids with no care in the world, not battle-hardened warriors.

Liz let her mind wander as she mindlessly stuffed gear into her rucksack. The intel they had received from their colleagues had been far too disturbing to share with the others unless James had already spilled it to Anna, something he was ridiculously prone to do.

She winced. Yesterday had been brutal for James and Anna, for the lack of a better word. She couldn't blame either of them for what they did but could tell they were hurting. It pained her to see her best friend in constant pain, to see him push away those he loved.

And despite the protectiveness Liz felt over James, she had still come to see Anna as a friend. She would support the both of them getting together as long as Anna didn't break his heart.

Because if she did...

Liz wasn't a fan of packing- Ash was the one to pack for both of them on any trips- but either way, she was glad to have something to do. It took her mind off of the conversation of yesterday.

But the time did come when she finished, and they had to leave. The others stood outside the motel with all their gear. James and Ash carried large sacks like hers, while the others had standard gear.

Anna looked like shit. Heavy bags surrounded her bloodshot eyes, there was a drop to the corner of her mouth, and her hair was done messily. 'James told me that the trip up Handies was partially due to something work-related. And something important at that.'

Liz sighed, not only because- of course- James had told Anna all about it, but also the way his expression soured and his shoulders sagged when Anna said his name.

'You're right. We want to check in on the facility. SecDef ordered its destruction in the aftermath of the mission, but we have a few suspicions we want to pan out.'

'Let's not talk about this now, shall we?' James said. 'We have a nice hike in front of us so let's not spoil our moods before we even start.'

Ash clapped James' back. 'Good man. We must get back before our reservation at the lodge runs out.' He made a big show of checking his watch. 'Which, if you don't know, is tomorrow. So let's begin. Sunlight's a-wasting.'

The hike was arduous and long but the cool, crisp mountain air cleared her head, and Liz felt better than she had in a long time. It gave her the clarity she needed but never wanted.

How could she have been so foolish to think she wouldn't lose herself to her substances? Her father had lost himself to the morphine. Like father, like daughter, she thought.

She gazed at the sun, watching it trace its course across the sky. She felt like a vampire- exposed, vulnerable, and weak.

All those lifetimes ago- but it had only been four years- when she had picked up her first bottle, people had told her how it made them better, faster, funnier.

Now Liz could appreciate how much dumber, slower, worse, and unfunny alcohol made people.

It was like being Icarus- you would soar, take delight in the freedom, but then you would fly too close to the sun, and you would fall to your death, all while wondering how you could have been so utterly stupid.

She supposed her story had more in common with the tale of the Labyrinth after all. It, like the Labyrinth, was unending, torturous, and painful, and the only way to escape would be through the sweet, sweet release of death.

If so, then who was her Theseus, the one who broke the system?

A mouthful of snow fell on her face and she sputtered, shaking her head as he spat it out. Ahead of her, Anna sat on the ground, clutching at her ankle, her face screwed up as she stopped herself from yelling something Liz was sure would be very expletive.

She knelt by Anna, gesturing to her foot. 'Let me see that, Anna.'

She winced. Anna's leg had swollen and turned a dark red. Liz scooped up some snow and pressed it around the swollen area. Anna hissed, reaching out for her foot.

'That's a bad bruise, Anna. You're going to have to stay off it for a while.'

By now, the others had caught up and knelt beside the younger girl.

Susan said, 'We're going to have to stop here. Liz, Ash, James; finish whatever you have to do. I'll stay here.'

Ash said, 'Okay. Now, I recognize this part of the mountain.' He pointed to a bend around the corner. 'There is a small nook there. We'll help you carry Anna over there. You can light a fire and keep warm.'

Susan pulled Anna up, putting Anna's weight on herself. 'No, I'll manage. Either way, I need to talk to her. In private.'

James, Liz noted, stood to one side, not participating in the discussion, a peculiar expression on his face.

Watching her friends' retreating backs, she said, 'You should make up with Anna, James. You're both hurting. I can see it in the way you look at her and she at you that you are meant for each other. And if it makes you happy, it makes me happy.'

James turned to her, a muscle jumping in his jaw. 'You wouldn't get it, Liz. I love her. I love her with all my heart. I love her like I loved Dawn. And look where that got us both. I'm staying away for the both of us; maybe she'll find someone better. She deserves it.'

'You're a coward and a hypocrite, James,' Ash said. 'You give me advice and don't follow it yourself. Just talk it over.'

Without a word, James started towards the ruins of the facility.

The large, sprawling building was now blackened, veering on its foundations as it bent to the right. Most of the left half had caved in and large holes littered the remaining walls.

Ash opened the door and burst through, Liz and James at his back, clearing the room.

'Where do you think we've entered?' James said.

'Considering this part has been totaled, I'd assume it's our exfil point. The AC-130 tore this part to shreds,' Ash said.

'So the tunnel system should be through there.' Liz pointed to the split, looking down the bending path to the right.

'Right. Ash, you go to where we found the nukes. Put on your hazmat- if they've been back here, who knows what's there. Liz, you're with me. We'll go to the tunnels and find out whatever the fuck it is that they stored there.'

'Copy, James.'

Liz ducked her head as she moved down the tunnel, which seemed to go on forever, shrinking with every turn they took. Her throat tightened as everything went dark. Her hands went in front of her, trying to feel ahead. Small beads of sweat popped on her face and her breathing quickened as she tried to push back the memories of those few dark days when she had been trapped in the small closet, a gag around her mouth as she desperately tried to not cry out for help.

'Shit!' James said. 'I'm sorry, Liz. I forgot-'

She said, 'No, it's all right.'

'Let me take the lead. I think I have my torch on me.'

Liz conceded and James turned on the light. Bright spots danced in her eyes as the glaring white light seared her eyeballs after so long in the dark. But it didn't help the feeling as if she was being crushed.

Finally, just as she thought she would suffocate, the tunnel opened up into a large cavern that stretched out for a long, long distance. The walls were lined with panels and computers- the latest stuff, she noticed.

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