Archives of the Argo II

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(This is an original idea)

It was a sunny and beautiful morning at Camp Half-Blood. The centaur Chiron could hear the sounds of the clanging of metal from the forges and the arena, the grinding sound from the climbing wall, and the chirping of the birds as he sorted through the attic of the Big House, looking through his memories when he stumbled across a very dusty and very blackened box.

The box was labeled "The archives of the Argo II, on the quest to complete the Prophecy of Seven and their fight against Gaea and her Gigantes."

The label brought tears to Chiron's eyes. The age of the Heroes of Olympus was long gone, but their legend lived on, two hundred years after their deaths. Their tales were told far and wide in their world, described as stories to the newer children. Monuments were built to honor them, the greatest on Mount Olympus itself.

He had been inconsolable for years after their demise. They had been a "team for life" as Jason had called, and so they were, even into the afterlife. 

He removed the lid of the box with shaking hands, and the box opened to reveal a large number of audio and video tapes, compatible with the player Chiron possessed, alongside multiple blueprints, a multitude of pictures, and- by the gods, could it be? Chiron thought- several other objects that Chiron recognized. There was a simple ballpoint pen, a tool belt, a large white drakon-bone blade, a golden coin, a black obsidian ring, a small piece of tinder, a spatha, and the dagger Katoptris.

He set aside the weapons, deciding to return them to their godly parents, and caressed the photos slightly before picking them up. The pictures depicted the Seven and their friends throughout their lives, from the moment the ship was finished, to their first picture taken as a crew after Jason, Annabeth, Piper and Leo landed in New Rome, to them after the war, their graduation, them with their kids after, and finally, pictures of their funeral.

The tapes had a note attached to them.

"To Chiron," it addressed  "When you find these tapes in the far future, show them to the rest of the Camp. Let these recordings shine as a beacon of light and hope to the campers of the future. They encapsulate our entire journey, from the day we left for Camp Jupiter, to us after the House of Hades and our final day before the battle at the Acropolis and the destruction of the ship. Leo somehow managed to salvage these, and they provide an unaltered, unbiased view of the quest. The highest of highs, the lowest of lows, our thoughts, and our feelings.


Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Nico, and Reyna."

Chiron drew a deep breath and assumed his centaur form, getting ready to show the campers the tapes of their idols over the coming days.

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