Brian Oven

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Disclaimer - I don't own Percy Jackson. The god of trolls, Rick Riordan does. Got it? Kewl! 

Another thing, the grammar for the first few chapters is horrible and the chapter themselves are somewhat cringe.

Brian Owen

I sigh as I wake up. It's 4:40 pm. What am I forgetting- Oh! There is a teacher's meeting at Paul's house at five! I get up, dress quickly, have a cup of coffee, and quickly drive over to his apartment. As I park, I notice another few cars pulling into the lot. Good. At least I am not late.

"Hey William, hey Tabitha." I greet my co-workers and they both wave back as I make my way towards them.

We step into the elevator. "So, any students that you want to discuss specifically?"

"Yeah," William say. "Percy Jackson."

"What about him?" I say.

"Well, I want to ask Paul how Percy's grades have gone from F's to A's in Maths."

I nodded and asked Tabitha the same thing.

She replied, "I have the same inquiry as Will, but the subject is History."

"I, personally, have no problems with Percy. He has been the most wonderful student. I think he may know more about Marine Biology than me," I joke. "I, however, do have a problem with Timothy Jefferson."

Upon hearing the name, everybody's expression changed to one of anger. Timothy Jefferies was the school jock, a playboy, and the rudest, most disrespectful, and vilest person I had ever met.

"We need to talk about this kid and that too, directly to the Principal!" Tabitha burst out "The only reason he is still in the school is that his father is a really important businessman and makes a lot of donations to the school."

As she finished her mini-rant, the ding-dong of the elevator sounded and we stepped out.

"Now what was Paul's apartment number," I mused "Ah yes! It was 21A."

I knocked on the door and we stood, waiting.

After a few seconds, the door was opened by Sally Jackson, and the smell of freshly baked cookies wafted through.

"You must be Sally Jackson," I greeted her with a smile "We're colleagues of Paul and are here for the teacher's conference. I certainly hope we don't cause you any trouble."

"No, no. There is no trouble at all. I quite like baking." She smiled back "Right this way please, Paul's waiting in the dining room."

As we entered the apartment, I take a moment to look around. It's pretty modest, very neat and a bunch of pictures are hanging on the wall. All of them show Sally, Paul, Percy, and a young blonde woman with princess curls and stormy grey eyes, probably Percy's cousin or girlfriend.

As soon as he sees us, Paul gets up from his chair and greets us "Welcome guys! Let's get the conference underway."

Sally said, "You guys start talking, I'll be back in a bit with cookies and lemonade."

"So guys, what's first on the agenda?" Paul asks

"The first thing we have to discuss," starts Tabitha "is that Timothy Jefferies."

"I wholeheartedly agree with Tabitha. Something needs to be done about this young man."

"Okay. We'll go talk to the Principal first thing tomorrow. This young man has become quite troubling. If the recent rumors are true, then even his father cannot save him this time." Paul finishes.

Sally comes in holding a batch of freshly baked cookies and glasses of lemonade.

"Thank you, Sally," William says "these cookies are simply amazing."

"But," I say, "I think I speak for all of us when I ask why the cookies are blue."

Sally laughs before saying "The credit for that goes to Percy's unquenchable love of blue food."

"Speaking of Percy," Tabitha says "I want to ask how Percy's grades in all subjects, especially Maths and Science, have gone up so drastically?"

"I can answer that," replies Sally "It's his girlfriend. She's an honors student at her school and one of the smartest people I've ever met and she tutors Percy."

"Ah. It's good to know that Percy does not cheat." Says Will


"Speak of the devil" Sally mumbles under her breath

"I'm sorry 'Beth I thought they weren't of use anymore so I put them away. Sorry, Annabeth!" comes the reply.


"'Annnnaaabeth, I promise, I'll work extra hard tonight. I'll finish the entire assignment."

"Fine! But today you get no reward for your work."

"No problem! As long as you're not angry with me, I'm fine."

"Just come here Seaweed Brain."

I look around and see that everyone but Sally and Paul has amused expressions on their faces.

"I swear those two argue and then they make up the next second as if nothing happened by doing-"

Smooching, smushing and moaning sounds start coming from the room and Sally's face paled


Sally then marches over to the room, knocks on the door, and says "Guys? Keep it down! We have a teacher conference going on here."

Suddenly, a clamping sound comes from the room, and then a loud thud "Shi-

"Keep it down Wisegirl!"

I laugh to myself as we move onto the rest of the meeting.

Young love. So sweet and innocent

And that is the story of how I met Percabeth.

Mortals Meet Percabeth + one shots and headcannonsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat