Jamie King

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Jamie King

A/n: This is going to be slightly short

Disclaimer- I don't own pjo or any of the characters

It was the last day of school before our final exams started and we would all be out of school.

The last class we had was English, taught by Mr Blofis, who is possibly the coolest teacher ever, despite his name.

I looked around. Everybody wore expressions of happiness because school was finally ending but the atmosphere in the room was tense, all were worried about the exams.

After Mr Blofis came in and took roll call, two people entered the room: Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the power couple of the school.

"Sorry Pa- I mean Mr Blofis," Percy says "We were just excited about the thing and got a bit carried away."

"No worries Percy," he replies "Because class hasn't started, there will be no punishment. Go and take your seats."

Now, you might be thinking. Is Paul letting them go because he is Percy's stepfather? No. Absolutely not. The man shows no favouritism. He is just a cool guy in general.

We were almost at the end of the class, finishing up revision and saying goodbyes when Percy's phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and his eyes lit up. He looked at Annabeth and lipped to hr something along the lines of "It's Piper." and Annabeth fist pumped.

"Percy, is it about that thing?" Paul asks

Percy nods his head in assertion and picks up the call "Hey Pipes.

The person on the other end says something and his expression changes "Lester, what the Hades are you doing in 'Frisco? Where's Piper?" This Lester person must have handed the phone over to Piper because Percy said "Hey Pipes. How's it going? Did Jason agree?"

Percy doesn't speak for a bit and frowns before saying "Hey Pipes, pull yourself together. Stay with me Pipes, stay with me. What happened?"

At this point, the entire class is staring at him, including Mr Blofis.

Suddenly his face goes white "No. No. Please tell me you lying and this is just a prank. Please, Piper, please. He is my brother! Skata!" he yells "Fuck! Pipes, hold it together, class is almost ending and we'll be over in a bit. I'll call Frank and Hazel."

"What do you mean Leo's gone to get them? What's been happening since Indianapolis?"

He hangs up before looking around, his eyes full with tears.

"Percy," Paul says "What is it?"

"Percy what happened?" Annabeth asks insistently, her voice full with concern

He looks her straight in the eye and says "Jason... Jason's dead."

She cups her hand over her mouth and rushes over to Percy, who has full broken down.

"Everybody, leave the class, I'm allowing you to leave early." Paul says and everyone obliges.

As I'm packing my bag, I hear Annabeth murmuring in Percy's ear.

They love each other so much. Although they lost someone important to them, they are still together, comforting each other. I hope I find love like their's one day

And that is how I met Percabeth.

BTW- The "thing" is Piper going and making up with Jason after their breakup. I know it ain't cannon but....whatevs

Mortals Meet Percabeth + one shots and headcannonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora