My masterpiece

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(This was written for a work I mentioned in "lil thing" and in my other story)-

Percy turned to see Atlas barrelling down upon Annabeth, his Dory in his hand.

As Atlas swung his mighty spear, it was met not by the drakon bone blade of the Athena spawn, but by the bronze flame of Anakalusmos.

"This is not our fight to take, foolish boy." Atlas snarled, speaking the ancient tongue.

"Yet it is my blade crossed with yours instead of hers. Now, come, uncle, show me the greatest of the Titan warriors. Show me the best Othrys has to offer, show me the strength of the mighty Atlas." Percy replied in the same language, leveling his blade at Atlas, and challenging him.

And so began a battle of which poets and minstrels would compose songs for eons to come, of which the Nine Muses would tell tales of atop their holy mountain, as the greatest demigod to walk the earth met in battle a being who struck fear into the hearts of the gods in the early years of the first Titanomachy.

The two met in a barrage of blows as they twirled and weaved about each other, locked in a deadly dance of parries, slashes, blocks, and stabs, with Atlas' overwhelming strength matched by the speed and agility of his foe.

To all those watching the fight, it was a work of art, watching two of the greatest warriors facing off against one another in a duel to the death. Their intricate yet precise movements, quick yet brutal strikes, and immaculate defense were matched only by the other and left all spectators in awe. 

Even the Olympians were awestruck by the battle, many of them simply being shocked by how well Perseus was doing against Atlas, and the others thinking of the consequences of their duel.

If Percy won, their greatest threat, putting aside Kronos himself, would be vanquished. However, if Percy lost, they would lose against Kronos, simply because the strongest children of all the Big Three working together could beat him.

As Atlas charged with an overhead blow strong enough to cleave the young hero in half, Percy sidestepped. He used Atlas' momentum against him, using the spear like a pole, and vaulted over him, - not unlike what he had done against Porphryion at the Parthenon - cut a large gash on the Titan's back, which pierced through his armor, oozing ichor.

And thus it was official. The war had begun. First blood had gone to Perseus Jackson.

But the Titan warrior was not fazed by so trivial a wound, as he gave a mighty bellow and charged the hero, twirling his spear between his hands with such ferocity it made Percy backpedal, giving Atlas the advantage.

Percy managed to block the flurry of strikes until one slipped under his guard, as Atlas out-feinted him with a quick jab to the head, moving his spear down with the flick of a wrist, cutting through Percy's armor, drawing blood before kicking him in the chest, sending him flying. 

Atlas approached the fallen demigod, letting out a cackle, an evil smile on his face as he trained his spear over Percy's chest.

Yet Percy was not as fazed as he let on, knowing exactly what was going to happen. As Atlas brought down his Dory, he felt Riptide appear in his pocket, and he rolled forward, uncapping his pen and stabbing Atlas in the crotch, making him fall to a knee.

All those who thought that the titan would be done for were proven wrong as Atlas rose, hate glittering in his dark eyes as he struck the butt end of his spear on the ground, pushing Percy back.

Atlas eyed the young hero warily "Your strength has grown. But the weakness... the weakness remains! And that is why you will always lose!" 

As Atlas was talking, Percy closed his eyes shut in concentration. He sucked the moisture out of the atmosphere, surrounding himself in the water.

Everyone else stared in awe as Percy's water exploded into a hurricane, tens of times stronger than the one he produced on the Hubbard Glacier. The winds buffeted everyone back, blowing at hundreds of miles per hour as lightning flickered around him and rain poured down from the storm clouds.

"Let's do this," Percy said, a look of pure determination on his face.

The duo charged forward, and waves of energy were let loose as their blades clashed. The two put everything they had into the fight and the intensity of it was such that all monsters in their vicinity were disintegrated instantly and the rest of the strike team had to retreat, lest they too suffer the same fate.

The two were at a stalemate, both refusing to give the other even a single inch until Atlas went for the same trick he had done earlier, but this time, it failed. The wind from the hurricane pushed back his spear and it just fell short of the mark, allowing Percy to chop off Atlas' left hand, but not before Atlas managed to stab Percy in the stomach and pulled it out, gloating.

Percy screamed in pain as he turned, the hurricane dissipating from around him as he cut off the other hand, catching Atlas' spear and stabbing him with it.

Atlas gave one last scream of outrage as he turned to dust, and Percy fell to the ground, unconscious.

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