Sins of Our Fathers

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The beginning of a short story I was writing-

Birds chirped, a faint breeze blew through the sprawling City of Light, and the sun shone down through the clear clouds.

The cobbled streets were splattered with blood, mounds of bodies lying hither and thither. Some were clothed in a blinding white, while most wore rags. An enormous horde of civilians, their clothes in tatters, had locked blades with a small group of men dressed in fair robes, with intricate embroidery running down the sides.

At the head of the spear, so to say, was a man with a lithe, agile build. He wore regal armor, his eyes glinting with grit through the slits of his visor.

The man was Prince Anaikos, son of the late tyrant King Ungolioth. The prince, though youthful in his beauty, was a most fearless captain, effortlessly commanding the respect of his troops. He normally was one of cool composure, but as he viewed the masses trying to break down the doors of the Great Citadel, his eyes took on a most cruel glint.

The civilians had been rebelling for years now, riots breaking out here and there across the Kingdom of the Sun, but when the news of Ungolioth's death spread, a full-scale revolution had begun. The citizens of the capital city of Elafrotitos had attacked the Citadel of Light, wherein resided the Royal Family.

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