Episode Twenty-One: The Downside to Enemy Backsides

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(Start in Deep Cut's apartment. SHIVER is asleep on the couch in the living room. Show only her face as her eyes open. Her tentacles have fallen away from her face, showing her left eye. Her right eye looks down. [NOTE: Her left eye doesn't move.])

Shiver-Huh? What happened?

(She looks up again. Zoom out to show FRYE and BIG MAN standing over her.)

Frye-You were getting out of control, so Big Man had to sting you.

Shiver-Sting me? I didn't know you had it in you.

Big Man-I a lot it don't.

Shiver-Now, if you'll excuse me...

(She starts to get up, but BIG MAN puts a fin on her chest.)

Big Man-Don't get up. It even more might hurt.

(SHIVER lies back down.)

Shiver-You two really care about me, don't you?


Shiver-And all I do is boss you around.

(FRYE crosses her arms.)


Shiver-I can't believe it took you resorting to violence to get me to see that.

Frye-We resorted to violence? You were the one about to punch me in the face.

Shiver-I know. I know. It's just...

(She sighs.)

Shiver-If you'd really rather split up with me than form a new company, then I guess it isn't worth it. As much as I want to get out of here, I don't want to let you two go. If you want to use the money for anything, donate it to the poor.

Frye-Actually, we've been thinking. Big Man and I don't want to be bandits anymore.


Big Man-Stealing is wrong.

Shiver-Then how are you supposed to make money to donate?

Frye-Uh, with our album sales and our salaries from the Splatcast.

Shiver-Really? That pocket change?

Frye-It's more than just pocket change, Shiver. We're pop stars. We have a lot of influence in this town, and it's about time we started using that influence for good. From now on, we're gonna be on the straight and narrow. Isn't that right, Big Man?

Big Man-Right.

Frye-Now, come on. We're gonna be late for battle commentary.

(She and BIG MAN leave. Opening theme. Cut to Mincemeat Metalworks. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-We go over to Mincemeat Metalworks for another Splat Zones battle.

Big Man-The team colors chartreuse and purple are.

(BRIDGETT and SPIDER are green. BRIDGETT has an Octobrush. INKURA, HIRO, and SHUMI are purple. HIRO has a Clash Blaster.)

Frye-(booth) You can say "chartreuse"? I just call it "vomit green."

Big Man-(booth) But it a pretty color is.

Frye-(booth) If you say so.

Big Man-Ready...

Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT alternates between swinging her brush and swimming forward.)

Frye-And they're off!

(BRIDGETT starts running with her brush all the way to the zone. INKURA and SHUMI have both started firing on the zone. She reloads.)

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