Episode Nine: Tri-Stringer

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(Start in the lobby. SPIDER, INKURA, BRIDGETT, and HIRO are watching SHUMI raise her Stringer.)

Shumi-The string on a Stringer is actually a tube for transporting ink.

(She pulls the tube back. The canisters fill with ink.)

Shumi-When you pull it back, it pulls back the plungers in each of the canisters, creating a vacuum for ink to flow in through the tube. Then you release the tube, and...

(She lets go of the tube, shooting three shots of ink at a dummy. [NOTE: In this series, Tri-Stringer shots don't explode...yet.])

Shumi-Bam! The plungers snap back into place, pushing all of that ink out!


Shumi-I made it for hunting for food while the rest of the clan was out at sea, but it's not bad for shooting battlers, either.

Hiro-My dad liked it so much that he made more to sell. He also made his own model: the REEF-LUX 450.

Bridgett-I want one.

Hiro-Then go buy one. What's stopping you?

Bridgett-Alright! I'm gonna go buy one! Sheesh!

(She runs out.)

Zaki-Isn't she on deck for the next battle?

Spider-Don't you have access to that information?

(ZAKI checks her computer.)

Zaki-You know what, I'm gonna put you guys on hold. I don't think Bridgett can make it out there alone.

(Cut to Inkblot Art Academy. SHIVER and FRYE are commentating.)

Shiver-Our next Tower Control battle is at Inkblot Art Academy.

Frye-The team colors are pink and green.

(BRIDGETT and SHUMI are pink. BRIDGETT has a Tri-Stringer of her own. HIRO, SPIDER, and INKURA are green.)

Shiver-The pink team has two Tri-Stringers. What do you think of that, Frye?

Frye-Tri-Stringer might not be the best weapon for Tower Control, but Shumi is the Stringer OG. There's no way she's going to lose!



(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT starts using tap shots to cover the home base.)

Shiver-Stringers are a strange weapon. While they're made to be a sniping weapon, it seems people like using rapid shots to cover turf quickly.

(BRIDGETT aims for the tower and fires.)

Frye-Of course, this inevitably leads to the feared...

Shiver/Frye-REEF-LUX missile spam.

(BRIDGETT charges her Stringer, looking to splat someone.)

Frye-But now's not the place for that.

Bridgett-Where are they?

Shiver-Does no one here understand how Tower Control works?

Frye-There are two Sloshers and a Blaster on the field. I thought for sure one of them would get it.

(A green Killer Wail aims for BRIDGETT she runs away, losing her charge in the process.)

Shiver-Ooh! Bridgett drops the ball!

Frye-I guess it is hard to keep your charge while running away from a Killer Wail.

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