Imagine Inkopolis Episode Ten: Power of the L-3 D

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's bedroom. FRYE and SHIVER are standing beside the bed.)

Frye-What was that all about? I agreed to be your love doctor, but you have to say something.

Shiver-I can't just blurt it out. You told me I have to do it in steps. First, I have to compliment his music. Then I have to compliment his style, and so on and so forth until he's primed for the big reveal.

Frye-I know, but you can't even seem to get step one correct.

Shiver-You know what I'm worried about? I don't think he likes me.

Frye-I thought you didn't care about that.

Shiver-I said that, but now I'm not so sure. When he said he only thought I was aesthetically pretty, my heart just sank into my stomach.

Frye-Hey, it's not the end. There's always a chance he's attracted to you for other reasons.

Shiver-Okay. So tell me what I need to do.

Frye-So you've already complimented his music. Now on to step two--

(BIG MAN enters.)

Big Man-Sorry. I just the bathroom need to use.

(SHIVER and FRYE watch as he walks into the bathroom.)

Shiver-Why does he always have to enter at the worst possible time?

(She looks at PEARL and MARINA sleeping next to the door.)

Shiver-Oh, Pearl and Marina, you two have been in love for years. I wish you were awake so you can tell me how you make it work.

Frye-Never mind them. Here's step two...

(Opening theme. Cut to Eeltail Alley. CALLIE and MARIE are commentating.)

Callie-It's Splat Zones on Eeltail Alley.

Marie-Team colors are orange and purple.

(BRIDGETT and MONII are both orange. BRIDGETT has the L-3 Nozzlenose D.)

Bridgett-Splat Zones? I feel like I should have not used this and instead used the Explosh--

(She notices that one of her teammates has an Explosher.)

Bridgett-Oh, somebody on our team has an Explosher.



(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT begins firing.)

Bridgett-Oh, right. It's a Nozzlenose.

(She swims forward.)

Marie-The Nozzlenose might be seen as the mistake of the League by some, but it can be a beast in the right hand.

Callie-And they gave Ultra Stamp to a Nozzlenose.

(BRIDGETT reaches the center and begins firing on the zone. She throws a burst bomb at the bridge above. She swims to the left corner and begins covering it up.)

Callie-Orange has the zone.

(BRIDGETT reloads before covering a small spot of purple. She swims on top of a box and throws another burst bomb at the bridge.)

Bridgett-Now you die.

Marie-The burst bomb might do low damage, but it explodes on contact, allowing you to deal some damage in a pinch.

(BRIDGETT reloads before throwing another burst bomb.)

Marie-Or if you just want to keep the enemy team as far from the zone as possible.

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