Episode Twenty-Two: 4X Killer Wail!

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(Start in the locker room at SquidForce Tower. INKURA, BRIDGETT, SHUMI, and HIRO are gathered around HIRO's locker. HIRO is holding a Splatana Wiper.)

Hiro-You know how Undertow Spillway has that rib down the middle? Well, I was thinking, "Hey, why don't I drive my Ultra Stamp down that thing? It'll look so cool." So I turn on my Ultra Stamp, and while I'm running down the rib, I collide with the Ultra Signal, and I don't know what the defending team was doing 'cause I secured the signal without even trying, and that's how I won a Tricolor Turf War using only an Ultra Stamp and my quick wits.

Shumi-Oh, yeah? Have you seen how many times you get caught on stuff while using the Ultra Stamp? With the Killer Wail, you can just turn it on and keep running.

Hiro-What if you get splatted before you can deploy all the speakers? Not that useful then, is it?

Shumi-That's a skill issue. A well-placed Killer Wail can clear out the enemy team so you can charge into their base!

Zaki-(over the PA) Zaki to the locker room. I don't think you can talk about the Killer Wail without mentioning the OG from Inkopolis. You could get a wipeout if you put it in the right spot.

Bridgett-Wait! What if we all used Killer Wails and then all used Ultra Stamps and decided which one was better?

Hiro-That...could work.

Shumi-I have the Tri-Stringer. Bridgett has an Inkbrush. Hiro, you're a Gal main. You can switch to the 52 for one battle.

Inkura-What about me? I don't have a Killer Wail.

Bridgett-Then we'll get you one!

(She grabs INKURA by the hand and leads her out of the locker room.)

Inkura-Wait! Where are you taking me?

(Opening theme. Cut to Scorch Gorge. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-Welcome to Scorch Gorge, the site of our next Splat Zones battle.

Big Man-Team colors orange and blue are.

(BRIDGETT, HIRO, INKURA, and SHUMI make up the blue team. BRIDGETT and INKURA have Inkbrushes, SHUMI has a Tri-Stringer, and HIRO has a 52 Gal.)

Hiro-Huh. I sort of thought we wouldn't have any repeats.

Inkura-I'd rather die than touch a Bamboozler!

Hiro-Sheesh, okay.


Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. HIRO, SHUMI, and INKURA charge down the middle while BRIDGETT runs to the left, alternating between swinging her brush and swimming.)

Frye-Inkura's using an Inkbrush this time around. Looks like she's stepping out of her comfort zone.

(BRIDGETT meets back up with the others.)

Big Man-The blue team all Killer Wails have.

(BRIDGETT jumps into the center. Her special finishes charging.)

Frye-(booth) You're right. Are they doing, like, a meme team or something?

(BRIDGETT activates her Killer Wail.)

Frye-Yep. Fifteen seconds in, and we've already got a Killer Wail.

(BRIDGETT covers a corner of the zone that's orange.)

Big Man-(booth) Frye, what a meme team is?

(BRIDGETT swims across the zone.)

Frye-(booth) It's when four people dress in the same clothes or use the same weapon as a joke. I remember these four Undercover Brella mains who all dressed in bowler hats and blazers. The Brella Boys, they called themselves.

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