"Mature minds?" Hayley raised her eyebrow at Stephanie's words. "Kid, you're in the third grade."

Danny and Becky then entered the room.

"Girls, Becky and I have to get down to the station and--" Danny stops speaking when he notices DJ and Stephanie's matching outfits. "Oh, would you look at those matching outfits? Isn't that adorable?" Danny cooed.

"D-man, take a hint." Hayley rolled her eyes, pointing over at DJ who didn't seem very happy about having matching outfits with Stephanie.

Danny ignored Hayley's comment. "You know what? This should be next years Christmas card." Danny nods. "Hey, Poppy, why don't you match with DJ and Stephanie too, huh? That'd be nice." Danny suggests, looking over at his niece.

"As if!" Poppy instantly shook her head.

"I remember when I used to dress up like my older sister." Becky smiled as she remembered the memory. "She hated it." Becky then frowned.

"Love you." Danny kissed Michelle on her head. "Love you." Danny kissed Stephanie on her head. "Love you." Danny then kissed DJ on her head. "Love you." Danny now kissed Poppy on her head. "Love you." Danny then kissed Kimmy on her head. "Love you." Danny now kissed Kylie's head. "Love you." Danny lastly kissed Hayley's head.

Kimmy, Kylie and Hayley all look at each other shocked. "Mr T!" The three girls exclaim, clearly stunned.

Danny quickly realises he kissed the three teens which weren't apart of his family. "Sorry, I was just on a roll." Danny says as he and Becky then leave the room and head to work.

"Come on, let's go to the mall." DJ said to her friend group as she grabbed her purse.

"Wait for me." Stephanie held up her finger.

"You're not coming with us." DJ shook her head.

"Yes I am." Stephanie nodded.

"Steph, I love you, but you're not coming." Poppy told the 8 year old.

"Wait, before we go to the mall I wanna wear something fun. Follow me." DJ told her friends.

The teenagers all followed after DJ.

"Wait for me!" Stephanie and Michelle shout, following the teenagers into Danny's bedroom.

Hayley looked around the room. "So, this is D-mans room." The 14 year old girl hummed.

"I bet if these walls could talk they would go..." Kimmy trails off as she yawns.

"This bedroom is so clean." Kylie mentions. "Although, I'm not surprised. This is Danny's room after all."

"So, Deej, what are we doing in here?" Stephanie asked her older sister.

Poppy groaned as she looked down at Stephanie and Michelle. "Please stop following us around."

"I'm in here because I'm gonna borrow one of dad's shirts and ties. You're in here because you're a pain." DJ faked a smile at her little sisters.

Stephanie places her hands on her hips. "I resent that!"

"I resent that too!" Michelle also places her hands on her hips.

Kimmy opened one of Danny's draws. "Did you know that your dad has a box of baking soda in his underwear draw?"

"Ew! Gibbler, get out of my uncles underwear draw." Poppy scrunched her nose up in disgust.

DJ quickly took the baking soda back in the underwear draw and then shut the draw. "Don't touch anything! My dad can tell if you move anything an inch."

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