24 - Alpine?

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Percy liked two things about camp, one was that he was allowed to keep Alpine with him, two there was a schedule and that meant routines. Percy also didn't mind the people, for once he actually thought that he might fit in.

Percy did a lot during his first week at camp, he trained with a sword with Luke and the rest of the Hermes cabin, and Luke thought he was a natural, which he was but he had also been training since before he came to camp, but he decided not to tell anyone that. He decided to not seem abnormal, even for demigod standards. So he decided to suck at archery and that he wouldn't be very fast.

At some point in the week, Percy got cornered by an Ares kid, Clarisse and her goons, and he got dragged into the girls bathroom where she tried to give him a swirlie, however he fet a tug in his gut and suddenly the bathroom exploded and there was toilet water everywhere and the only person that was dry was himself.

He looked around the room in shock and Clarisse and her goons ran out of there, and that was when Percy saw Annabeth in the door frame. Percy was about to say omething to her but he saw the look she had on her face and he didn't like it. He knew that look, it was a look that Hydra would use when coming up with other ways to use him against his Papa.

"Vat ever you are thinking. Don't" Percy snarled at her, letting his Russian accent come out.

Annabeth just rolled her eyes and walked away, and Percy walked in another direction towards the lava spewing rock wall. Percy hadn't had a chance on it yet, and he wasn't sure how good he was at climbing.

Turns out that was something he needed practice on as he ended up going to the infirmary with some burns, he expected it to be alot worse considering that the lava practically enveloped his arm, however they were only second-degree.

It was capture the flag when things got interesting for Percy. He had been loaned a sword from the armoury as he still hadn't found one that suited him, as well as some armour that was slightly to big, and Alpine had been left with Chiron for her safety.

Percy got told the plan and that he was to just wait by the lake, until the game was over. Percy wasn't upset by it, he was still the new kid so he would of been the target of pretty much everyone because he isn't as well trained as the rest, or at least so they thought.

Percy was there skipping rocks for most of the game, making sure to keep his ears open and staying on high alert, but looking as calm as a cucumber. If anyone was to try to sneak up on him he would know, and they wouldn't know that he knows.

It was nearing the end of the game when Percy heard them and continued to skip rocks, until he heard the battle cry and turned around sword in hand and started to fight. Dispite Chirons warning of no maiming, the Ares kids attacking him, led by Clarisse and her electrified spear, were out for blood and possibly his head and so Percy did not hold back.

He rolled, dodged, slashed, parried, disarmed, stabbed, using as much ground as he could to tire them out, but he was out numbered and got pushed into the lake by Clarisse, but he didn't falter and the next slash she made with her spear Percy caught and snapped it, and she let out a large scream of anguish, and charged at him, but stopped when the cornch horn sounded signalling the end of the game and saying that Blue, Percy's team, had won.

Clarisse, grumbled, muttered a threat to Percy and walked off. Percy stepped out of the lake and to where Luke and Annabeth were with the flag, and looked at Annabeth and shook his head slightly, disapointed that she had used him as bait, but he couldn't fault the logic in using every tactic no matter how cruel.

They were about to leave the woods when a Hellhound pounced on Percy, knocking him on his back, back into the lakes water, and suddenly the Hellhound had turned into golden dust and ontop of him was a large almost white tiger looking, minus the stripes, feline. The feline got off him, and Percy stood up confused, and the feline started to shrink and was back to looking like Alpine.

"Alpine?" Percy said confused, picking up the cat now covered in golden monster dust, and suddenly everyone was kneeling.

"All hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, God of the Sea's and the Earthshaker" Chiron bellowed looking above his head.

Percy looked up and saw a bright blue trident fading and then he realised he had been claimed, by one of the Gods that doesn't have any kids, knowing that Poseidon wasn't allowed any kids, and he was suddenly filled with dread.

A/N I know, about time right? Well I appologise for the long awaited chapter. The next one is probably just gonna be like a summery of the quest and I might just change a few things.

But anyway what did you guys think of the PJO show? I didn't mind it however I feel like they changed too much, and missed out some key things like Riptides name and how all demigods and hardwired to read ancient greek which explained the dyslexia and the ADHD being their battle instince and the fact that Percy can speak to horses. I also didn't like the pacing of the show and sometime the dialog, esspessially Annabeths seemed a bit dry.

I think from a point of veiw of someone who hasn't read the books it would be okay, if the pacing was a bit better, but as someone who reads the books and, IDK I guess I just set my expectations a little to high. Don't get me wrong I loved some of the changes and I understood some of them, but some were pointless.

The main thing I don't like about it is Gabes charactor. In the book he is abusive and neglectful, and is in my opinion and large reason as to why Percy is the way he is, but in the show they made him arragantly funny, and yeah okay he is dislikeable but not absolutely hated. And I was looking forward to finally have some representation in a show where it shows that just because you were abused and neglected doesn't mean you're gonna turn out to be a serial killer and that you can actually have a pretty decent life. 

But anyway that is enough from me. Hopefully I will update soon, but I cannot make any promises

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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