2 - Finding Nemo

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Percy woke up in the medical wing alone and freaked out. He ripped the iv out of his arm and the wires from his chest, and jumped of the bed whilst trying to shake of his cast, like you would a bug.

Then a man he didn't know came in and he started to freak out when the doctor tried to come to close to him.

"Jarvis call Barnes. Tell him Percy is awake." Bruce ordered.

"Right away sir."

Less than five minutes later Bucky was standing in the door way assessing the damage then looked at the little boy who caused it all who was still trying to shake of his cast.

"Hey, no. You leave that on." Bucky demanded walking over to the boy.

"Papa!" The boy yelled and ran up to him and hugged him like his life depended on it. Bucky hugged back.

"Chto sluchilos'? Kto on? Gde my? Chto bylo u menya v ruke? Chto u menya na ruke? YA v bede? Eto yeshche odna baza Gidry?" Papa ya boyus'." Percy said not letting go. (Who is he? Where are we? What was in my arm? What is on my arm? Am I in trouble? Is this another Hydra base? Papa I'm scared)

"Net, my ne na drugoy baze Gidry. Net, ty ne v bede. To, chto u tebya na ruke, — eto gips, kotoryy pomozhet tvoim kostyam srastis'. To, chto bylo u tebya v ruke, davalo tebe zhidkost', chtoby ty ostavalsya v zhivykh. My v N'yu-Yorke, Amerika. Etot chelovek — doktor Benner, i my sbezhali s pomoshch'yu yego druzey." Bucky explained, and placed Percy back on the bed. "Now you are going to let the nice doctor do his work."

(No, we're not in another Hydra base. No, you're not in trouble. What you have on your arm is a cast that will help your bones heal. What you had in your hand gave you fluid to keep you alive. We are in New York, America. This man is Dr. Banner, and we escaped with the help of his friends.)

Percy side eyed Bruce, who stood to the side letting Bucky calm the boy down, then he looked back at his Papa. "You stay?"

Bucky nodded and sat the boy in his lap and Bruce put the IV back in Percy's arm and checked his breathing and ordered that he eat something and he left to get food. And Bucky sat Percy back on the bed.

At the sound of food Percy perked up. Percy was always hungry, but he learned to never ask for food, knowing that he wouldn't get fed that day if he did.

Bruce came back with two plates, one with two pieces of toast the other with four. "If he keeps it down, he can have some more, if not he can try some again later, in the mean time he should drink plenty of fluids and get lots of sleep, the same goes for you." Bruce told Bucky.

"Thanks Doc."

Bruce left the two of them and Percy looked at the toast confused then looked at his Pa who was casually eating a slice of the second plate. Hesitantly Percy picked up a slice and sniffed it, then carefully nibbled a bit of the corner and deciding he liked the taste, so he took a bigger bite.

"You like it?" Bucky asked seeing his reaction.

Percy nodded and ate what was on his plate and yawned, his eyes dropping.

"Sleep." Bucky ordered pushing him gently so he was laying down.

Percy laid down but he didn't sleep. He was too scared. "Papa, My v bezopasnosti zdes'?" (Are we safe here?)

"We're safer." Bucky said. He wasnt able to lie and say that they were definitely safe, they would never be definitely safe but they were safer.

"Ty ne ostavish' menya, verno?" (You won't leave me, right?)

"Nikogda, seychas zakroy glaza i spi." Bucky grumbled eyes closed as he slumped in a chair. (Never, now close your eyes and sleep.)

Bucky woke two hours later to a nightmare and couldn't go to sleep so he watched Percy. Bucky had a responsibility to the boy. Not only does he have to keep him safe but he also has to teach him how to do little everyday things and try to get him to come out of his shell and to trust people.

A little while later Steve came by the infirmary. "How is he?"

Bucky didn't look at the man who claimed to be his friend and kept his eyes fixed on Percy. "Tired."

"Got some clothes for him. Used to belong to Clints son but he's out grown them, thought they might do Percy some good." Steve said placing a bag of clothes on a chair.

"Thank you." Bucky said finally looking at Steve.

"I'm here for you pal. No matter what. I'm with you." Steve said.

"Till the end of the line." Bucky muttered surprising himself. He didn't know where that came from but Steve smiled, he's remembering slowly.

"Papa? Moy zheludok chuvstvuyet sebya smeshno." Percy complained drowsy, then threw up over himself, the bed and the floor. (My stomach feels funny.)

"Here you get him cleaned up, and I'll clean this up." Steve said, handing Bucky some clothes out of the bag and a bag to wrap the cast.

Bucky nodded and led Percy to the bathroom and got the shower running. He showed him how it worked and how to use it as well as the soaps and shampoos. Bucky helped him take his first ever shower then let him dry and dress himself.

They stepped out of the bathroom and Bucky decided it was time to introduce him to everyone. Steve was still in the infirmary waiting for them and Percy tried to hide behind his Pa's leg.

Bucky pulled Percy in front of him. "Percy this is Steve. Steve, Percy."

"Hi Percy." Steve said crouching in front of him and sticking a hand out to shake which Percy stared at confused.

"Vy vstryakhnite yego." Bucky said quietly to him. And he did with a nervous smile and Steve gave a reassuring one. (You shake it.)

"You taking him to meet everyone?" Steve asked Bucky standing back up and Percy hid behind him again.

"He has to meet them at some point and so do I." Buck reasoned.

Steve nodded and led the father and son to the common room, where the other Avengers sat watching a TV show with the subtitles on.

"Hey guys. I think it's time you officially meet someone." Steve said gaining their attention.

Bucky pulled Percy out who was hiding behind him.

"Percy, Buck, this is Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bruce and Thor." Steve said pointing to a redhead woman, a dirty blond man, a brunette with a blue glowing chest, the doctor, and a man with long blonde locks. "Guys, this is Percy and Bucky."

They all said hey and Clint came over to Percy. "Hey Percy, do you like movies and popcorn?"

Not knowing what those things are, or understanding most of what he said, he looked up to his Pa hoping he would answer for him, Clint also looked at Bucky.

"He wouldn't know. He's never seen a movie or ate popcorn and he doesn't really understand English." Bucky said and everyone stared and Percy hid behind Bucky and Bucky didn't blame him, having everyone stare at you is terrifying.

"Right that settles it then. Stark put on a Disney film, you three on the couch." Clint said gesturing to Bucky, Percy and Steve, "And I shall get the popcorn."

Bucky picked Percy up and carried the boy, frozen with fear, over to the couch where he sat next to Steve and placed Percy on his lap.

Clint then came over and handed a bowl of popcorn to Percy who looked at Bucky for permission before taking it and trying a piece before smiling at it slightly.

"Stark I said a Disney film." Clint scolded Tony who was about to put on Pirates of the Caribbean.

"It is technically a Disney film." Stark argued.

"OK how about this, put a kids animated film on." Clint said.

"Fine." Tony whined and ended up putting Finding Nemo on in Russian with English subtitles for the three none Russian speakers.

During the film, Percy relaxed a little against Bucky and was much less tense as he watched the film with awe. Bucky too watched with awe, he knew technology had advanced alot since his day but he didn't expect the quality of the animation to be as good as it was or for the colour to be as vibrant.

Near the end of the film Percy fell asleep, his head on Bucky's chest, drooling slight and once the film was finished Steve showed him to two spare rooms, one for him and one for Percy, but they ended up sharing.

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