12 - Nightmares Part 2

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After ten minutes of Percy sulking about not being able to watch the news, Sam came back in and called Bucky out and Percy changed the channel back.

"So I can't get in touch with him and neither can Tony. Tony tracked him and it did lead to him being in an airport." Sam sighed.

Bucky cursed and when he heard Percy call for him he cursed even louder and raced to the boys side and saw exactly why Steve wasn't answering his phone.

On the news, was Steve fighting a large group of men and it was very clear that he was worn out.

"Percy, sadis' v gruzovik!" Bucky ordered the boy and he didn't hesitate.

Sam followed the two into the truck with Alpine and Bucky started it. "Percy, your mom's or Hugo's choose now!"

"Hugo's." Percy answered. He didn't like his mom's husband that much and so he would rather go to Hugo's.

Percy leant into Sam, Alpine jumping onto his lap. His dad was in trouble and his Pops was in mission mode. You don't mess around when he is in mission mode.

Bucky didn't turn the engine of and got out of the truck and motioned for Percy to follow, and knocked on the door.

"Lamento mucho molestarla, señora Sánchez, pero ¿puede cuidar a Percy durante unas horas, posiblemente toda la noche?" Bucky asked Hugo's mom when she answered the door. (I'm so sorry to bother you, Mrs. Sanchez, but can you watch Percy for a few hours, possibly overnight?)

"Por supuesto. Siempre es bienvenido aquí."She nodded. (Of course. He is always welcome here.)

"Muchas gracias. Por favor, no dejes que vea las noticias." Bucky said and crouched down to Percy's hight and switched to Russian. "Bud' khoroshim. YA poydu pomogu dad i vernu yego domoy. Ne sporyu, i ya lyublyu tebya."

(Thank you so much, please do not let him watch the news. - Be good. I'm going to go help dad and bring him home. No arguing and I love you.)

"YA tozhe lyublyu tebya, papa. Pozhaluysta bud' ostorozhen." Percy said hugging him quickly. (I love you too papa. Please be safe.)

Bucky gave him a nod and got back in the truck and sped off and Mrs Sánchez ushered the boy, who was still holding Alpine, inside.

"Hugo! ¡Ven, lleva a Percy a tu habitación y juega!" Mrs Sánchez shouted up the stairs to her son. (Come take Percy to your room to play)

"Está bien, estar allí en cinco minutos." Hugo shouted back. (Okay, be there in five minutes)

"Más vale que esa habitación esté ordenada, chico." Mrs Sánchez warned. (That room better be tidy.)

"Lo es, mamá, pero tengo que vestirme, estaba en la ducha." Hugo replied (It is mom, but I have to get dressed, I was in the shower.)

Five minutes later, Hugo came down and took Percy upstairs to his room and brought out their favourite board game Troia.

<The game is played as Homer narrated in the Iliad, different Greek states had sieged the city of Troy for years as a punishment for the abduction of Helen of Sparta by Paris of Troy. Citizens of both sides made offerings to the deities to gain their favour in order to help, or to hinder, heroes on the battlefield.

Players alternates turns offering to a chosen deity. That is, they must discard 1 or more cards from their hand until the offering is equal or greater than the number next to that deity (oriented to the active player) on the Olympus. At least one of the offerings must match with the chosen deity. After the offering, the player gains that deity's favour. And so that player moves the deity to their closest location on the Olympus, moving the other deities one position if necessary. A deity grants their special ability immediately. Each hero is related to one deity. This connection is symbolised with an offering, which is different depending on the Greek or the Trojan side. The small offering represents the offering the opponent has on the other side. If, at the end of the turn, a player has 2 or more heroes on the opponent's Protection area can build the troja horse (greek player) or advance Hector throught greek ships (trojan player) The Greek player wins the game immediately if they finish the Trojan Horse. The Trojan player wins the game immediately if they move the Hector/Paris token through the four sections.>
All info from https://travellingman.com

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