5 - Steve Is Nice

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After they had all finished eating, Bucky picked Percy up to stop him from trying to escape and not go to the med bay.

"Net. Papa. Pozhaluysta. Mne tam ne nravitsya." Percy begged, not bothering to speak English. (No. Papa. Please. I don't like it there.)

"Hey, how about, while we wait for Bruce to decide your done with the IV, we can either call Steve in to finish the film you were watching, or you can show me how good your English has gotten by reading to me." Bucky offered.

Percy didn't say anything, instead he clutched Bucky's shirt tighter and buried his head in the crook of his neck. Bucky sighed when he flet his neck get wet with silent tears.

"Hey, I'll make you a deal. You get through this check up without complaining, and you can speak whatever language you want for the next 72 hrs." Bucky bargained, having asked Percy to try to speak English as much as possible, when the others were around.

"Dazhe sredi tekh, kto etogo ne ponimayet?" He asked, but his voice was muffled with it still being tucked into his neck. (Even around those who don't understand it?)

"Yes even around the others." Bucky agreed and he felt Percy give a slight smile, but other than that the boy didn't move.

Bucky walked into the medbay and Percy stiffened at the smell of the chemicals used to clean the area. He sat down on one of the beds and turned Percy around in his arms, so he sat facing Bruce, whilst still on his lap.

"Hey Perce. We're gonna start of with the easy things okay?" Bruce said walking in, and started explaining exactly what he was going to do, like he always did. "So that means, checking your weight, height and  blood pressure.

Percy nodded. He was okay with these things. It was just the needles he didn't like. And he hopped off of Bucky's lap, and stood on the scales and Bruce was happy to see he was gaining weight. He had gone from 2.5 stone, when he first arrived to 3.5 in six months, which was amazing for the very little he eats.

Then he measured how tall he was and he had also grown a few inches and he was almost as tall as someone his age and almost the right weight.

Then Percy sat in Bucky's lap again while Bruce wrapped the sphygmomanometer around the small boys arm, and Percy squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn't a huge fan of this test. It made his arm feel funny, not for long but he still didn't really like it.

Then when Bruce took the cuff off, he leaned as far back into Bucky's chest as he could trying to hide. He knew what was next. It was the needles. Bruce, got the first one which was the smallest and told Percy what he was going to do, and Bucky held him a bit tighter.

Percy squirmed and whined when he got his blood drawn, when Bruce was finished with drawing blood and removed the needle, Percy relaxed slightly but had silent tears streaming down his face and turned his head into Bucky's chest.

"Alright. So I'm going to see what the blood results say, and based on that, I will determine whether or not you need an IV, sound good to you bud?" Bruce said, looking at Percy.

Percy wasn't listening to the good doctor, but was listening to Bucky's heart instead while he sniffled so Bucky thanked the doctor.

"Znayesh', chto eto znachit, priyatel'?" Bucky asked and Percy shook his head, "Eto oznachayet, chto vam mozhet ne ponadobit'sya kapel'nitsa." Bucky told him with a small smile. (You know what that means? It means you might not have to have an IV.)

Percy gave a small smile back and put his head back on Bucky's chest and continued to listen to his heart beat. Bruce came back 5 minutes later and told them that he doesn't need the IV as he was no longer dehydrated, and wasn't missing and supplements anymore.

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