16 - Howlers

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"Hi Momma Nat." Percy greeted walking into the training room (Anyone confused by this, reread chapter 14, I changed what he called Natasha. :))

"Hello Percy." Natasha smiled at the boy. She had a soft spot for him, and so she will always show him her vunerable side. "Are you ready for today?"

Percy shook his head. "No. You didn't tell me what we were doing today and Papa wouldn't tell me either."

"That's because today's training session is going to be dancing. Specifically ballet. This will help you in many ways when fighting. Such as your flexability, your footwork, being able to focus on things around you while active, and if you ever enter a school talent show." Natasha explained and she handed Percy a pair of point shoes and told him to put them on.

For the next two hours, Nat taught Percy the very basics of ballet and said that they would do it again next week. Percy really enjoyed it and was happily chatting to his papa about what he had learned, and Bucky was happy to see Percy so happy.

After they had eaten, Bucky helped Percy with with what was left of his homework, whoch proved to be very difficult when you had a cat wanting attention. After the homework was completed, Bucky drove them back home and Percy unpacked his things and jumped on the couch waiting for his pops so they could watch a movie. Steve having left that morning for a mission.

"Alright I got popcorn, drinks and a blanket. What movie do you want to watch. And it can't be finding Nemo." Bucky added sitting next to Percy.

Percy thought for a minute then decided. "The little mermaid."

Bucky sighed but put the film on and Percy snuggled up to him, with Alpine in his arms. Neither of them said a word during the move, and after it was finished, they put on the second one and watched that, then Bucky tucked Percy into bed with Alpine and went to bed himself.

The next day Bucky dropped Percy off at school, and then went to his therapy session and then to his part time job at the antique store, where he had zero cutomers and fixed a record player that was around when he was a kid.

Bucky liked the job. It was quiet, peacful as not many people came into the store and it also made him feel a little less out of time. Being with all the things he had growing up and while in the army made him feel a lot more comfortable and relaxed, esspiacally compared to Stark's tower.

The owner of the store was always very nice to him and Percy. Always checked in if he wasn't able to show up for work, making sure they were alright. And didn't care about Bucky's past as a mind controlled assassin.

"James, someone brought in a radio from the war era. Do you mind taking a look at it and seeing if it works and what needs to be done to repair it if it doesn't?" The store owner and his boss asked.

"Sure thing. I'll just put my things down in the back room then I'll have a look." Bucky replied.

Five minutes later, Bucky was walking into the repair room and towards his boss, who was holding a hand radio. His eyes widened when he saw what it was, and he inspected it.

"Who sold you this?" Bucky asked very surprised.

"Why? What is it?"

"It's a radio." Bucky started, sounding very nostalgic. "Made by Howard Stark, he called them howlers. He made a total of 7. One for Captain America and then 6 for me and the other Howling Comando's. Each of us did something to one so we could identify who they belonged too."

"Who did this one belong to."

Bucky took the back off and saw a small drawing Steve had made and he knew this one was his and suddenly he became very serious. "This is very important. You need to tell me who gave you this?"

"You know we don't ask names. They come they sell their items and leave. Why who did it belong too?"

"Me." Bucky practicallly whispered. "I fell of the train with it on my body. The only people who would have it are Hydra. Listen. I need you to tell me exactly what the person looked like then go somewhere safe. I am so sorry for bringing you into this."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make sure whoever gave you this isn't a danger, and pick Percy up from school and keep him safe."

"You make sure you are safe as well. I have a family cabin down the south. I'll go there for a little bit."

"Thank you. And I am so sorry I brought this danger to you. I appreciate what you have done for me."

"Eh, it was good having someone with actual knowledge around. And once the threat is over you will still be welcome here." His boss said giving him a small pat on the shoulder, before he left.

Bucky sat there and for a small five minutes debating with himself, before he got to work and got the radio functioning. He hesitated before he turned it on and spoke into it. "This is Sargent James Barnes, looking for anyone with a Howler. Does anyone copy?"

"Privet Sargent Barnes. You might recognise me as Agent R."

"So I was right. This found me via Hydra. What do you want?"

"Don't worry. Not much. Just you and your son back. Agent R signing off."

Immediatly Bucky was off, and racing his truck to Percy's school while calling the other Avengers, telling them that Hydra was in touch and want him and Percy and they said they would meet him there.

When Bucky got to the school he saw that it was in lock down, and he lifted one of the shutters with his metal arm and started searching the school for any kids, Percy, and the teachers.

"Barnes where are you?" Tony said over the Comms.

"Nearing the main hall. There is no one in the classrooms."

"Don't move in without backup. We're five minutes out." Natsha said over the comms.

Bucky was about to wait, but he heard a voice that belonged to Percy scream out in Russian, begging to be let go.

A/N Hey guys got a new chapter for you
As I'm posting this I'm on the bus to college as my bike broke and I have a chest infection and ended up having a coughing fit on the bus and everyone just stared. It made me so uncomfortable.

On a positive note my friend is teaching me how to become a Dungeon Master for DnD club that they run. I don't t really know much about DnD but it seems really fun and I'm enjoying learning about it.

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