15 - Chromatography

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Steve sighed and Percy ignored him and went to his room, to sort out his things to go to the tower. He had his weekly lesson with Tony, and he would be staying the night there and training with Natasha in the morning, so after he had everything packed he walked out of his room and up to his Pops.

"All packed?" Bucky asked noticing Percy.

"Da. Can Alpine come?" Percy asked.

"Sure." Bucky said with a nod "Go pack her things." 

Percy ran of to get all of Alpines things and Bucky turned back to Steve. "Look all I told him is that we have broke up. I haven't told him why. Him being cold to you has nothing to do with me." 

"Papa, poshli, dyadya Tony uchit menya khromatografii." Percy said excited, pulling on his Papa's arm after getting all of the things Alpine needed. (Come on, Uncle Tony teaches me chromatography)

"Alright, alright. I'm coming Nemo. You going to say bye to your dad?" Buck asked.

Percy didn't turn around as he said no and he picked up Alpine, placing her on his shoulder and walked out the front door and to the truck. Bucky sighed, glanced back at Steve and followed his son out the door.

On the way to the tower, Percy was stroking Alpine in his lap when his pops spoke. "You know you can't ignore your dad, right?"

Percy was about to reply but Bucky cut him off. "It doesn't matter if he hurt me, or if he doesn't love me. He still loves you and I know you love him.  Us breaking up doesn't affect the love he has for you."

"But he hurt you Papa. I may not know how he hurt you, but I know he hurt you." Percy grunted folding his arms across his chest and Alpine nudged him so he would go back to giving her attention, which he did while scowling.

"What he has done to me does not matter. He is still your dad and he always will be. He will still be living with us until he finds a new place. That could take months even a year. So you cannot continue to ignore him and glare at him. He is still your dad and is still to be respected as such. You do not have to call him dad if you do not wish, or you can continue to do so. It is entirely up to you. However you are to respect him, like you do me, your mom and everyone else. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Percy said looking down at his lap where Alpine was avoiding looking at his Pops.

The rest of the drive was quiet and when Bucky had parked the truck in Tony's garage, Percy jumped out, grabbed his things and headed straight to the elevator and waited for his pops to get in before pushing the button up to the floor their room was on, dumbed his things on his bed and rushed down to the lab to find Tony.

He reached the lab and he heard ACDC playing though the soundproof doors and so Percy asked Jarvis to inform his uncle that he was there. The music went off and Percy entered the lab and gave his uncle a hug.

"Hi Uncle Tony."

"Hey buddy. How's school been?" Tony asked as he grabbed the text books and the equipment needed for todays studdy. "You know what we're doing today bud?"

"Chromatography."  Percy said excited. He had been wanting to do this for a while. 

"Okay. So we are going to start off with Paper Chromatography." Tony started. "Do you know anything about it?"

"It's the seperation of Amino Acids."

"Good. Do you know why or how it's seen?" 

Percy shook his head.

"Okay well it is seen by staining the amino acids with ninhydrin, which has the chemical formula, C6H4(CO)2C(OH)2. And the solvent that we are going to use today is a mixture of Ethenol, ammonia, and water. The Nynhydrin staining of the dried chromatogan is achieved by spraying with 0.5% Nynhydrin solution, drying it, then heating it for five minutes at 105°C. Another thing, we are going to do this in the fume cuboard, with goggles and gloves because ammonia fumes and ninhydrin aerosols are very dangerous." Tony explained.

Percy nodded along, understanding what Tony was saying and they did the experiment. After the experminet, Tony made Percy answer some questions and then he sent him off to get some food as it was now, by Percy's watch 19:00.

Percy ate food with his pop's then he fed Alpine and went to bed ready for his training session with Natasha in the morning.

A/N Hi guys. I got another chapter for you lot. I know it's a little short but at least its something. I know I haven't  been very active lately and that's because I have had a shit ton of college work and mock tests that I have had to revise for and it is absolute hell, esspecially because I have chosen 2 essay based A levels and I'm a dyslexic mother f*ck.

Also I have an actuall exam next wednesday that is two hours long and the teacher I have doesn't actually teach. She just drawls on about shit that isn't important and she isn't teaching us how to answer the questions and I just know I am going to fail her subject (Medical Science). 

Drama isn't going much better. I had to write a script for my group and it turns out that even though it was increadibly good and my teammate had agreed to gender bend for their role, that it isn't allowed, so now I have to redo the entire thing, which took me three months, in a month because changing the gender of the charactor makes it in a way that the story won't work as it was a very similar script to a script called Love Song.

However Ancient history is going great. I love both of my teachers and they seem to really like me, probably because I am the only one that will answer their questions but that neither here nor there. Also I have these two really good friends in this class and we talk about the most random things and because we still do our work our teachers don't really care and will sometimes join in. Like one time we talked about headless chickens and that they only die because they can't eat and it's great.

Anyway, I'll leave you people here. I hope you are enjoying the story and hopefully you'll see me soon. 

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