14 - The Truth

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Sam stuck to his word and and spoke to Steve and ever since Steve has been walking on eggshells, which had been noticed by everyone, yet Steve still refused to tell Bucky what was going on and at the end of the week, Sally took Percy out for their usual Saturday meet and Sam sat both supersoldiers down.

"Right, Steven you have one more chance to tell Buck, what's going on or I'll be telling him." Sam said giving the blonde a chance to do it himself.

"I don't know what you're on about Sam." Steve said stubbornly, but his face gave him away, it was filled with shame.

"Fine. Buck" Sam said gently, "Steve has been cheating on you, with Sharon. I had an idea about it when you came to me wondering what was wrong with him and got solid evidence 4 days ago."

Sam handed Bucky his phone where he had a few pictures of Steve and Sharon together.

Bucky looked through them, each picture making him even more hurt than before and wishing that it was a dream.

"Tell me they're not real. Please Steve tell me their not real." Bucky begged his childhood best friend and illegal high-school sweetheart.

Steve looked down ashamed, not being able to meet Bucky's eyes and nodded his head.

Bucky sighed and tried to speak but couldn't, so he cleared his throat and tried again. "Why? Were you not happy with us? Did you get bored? What is it? Why did you do it? How long have you been doing it? Was it just Sharon, or was there others before her?" Bucky was almost shouting by the end and was on his feet pacing back and forth.

"It wasn't because of you. You and Percy have made me the happiest I have ever been, and no, there wasn't anyone else, just Sharon. and I'm sorry, I am so sorry Buck. I never meant for it to ruin what we had. I just, I don't know."

"What did you think it was going to do Steve! You cheated on me, on your kid! And you didn't think it would ruin anything? Or that we wouldn't find out? Wasn't it your mother that always used to say that eventually the truth always comes out!"

"Please Buck, I know that I messed up, okay I know. I'm sorry. Please just give me another chance, please." Steve begged taking Bucky's hands in his own.

Bucky removed his hands from Steve's. "No. I can't trust you. You lied to me, and not just me but Percy and everyone else too. We're going to break up, and you're going to move out. Until you find a place to stay, I'll be sleeping on the couch. When you get your own place, it will be up to Percy whether or not he see's you and whether or not he stays at yours, much like it is with his mother, I will not stop him from seeing you if he wants to, but if he doesn't want to then you don't go anywhere near him." Bucky said laying out the first set of conditions.

"Percy isn't to know that you cheated, beacuse that would break his heart more than us just breaking up will, so all that he is to know is that we have broken up and while you look for a new place, I'll be sleeping on the couch." 

"Bucky, please. You don't have to do this, we can still be happy." Steve tried.

Bucky shook his head. "No, we can't." 

Bucky walked out with Sam following, while Steve walloed in his self pity. As soon as the fresh air hit Bucky his eyes filled with tears but he refused to let them fall and Sam carefully and softly placed a comforting hand on the mans shoulder. 

"You did the right thing. You're protecting yourself and Percy from further harm. I know if I was a parent I would do the same. And I know it's not easy for someone you love and trust so much to betray you, but it will get easier with time." 

"Thank you Sam. I appreciate what you have done for us. I mean you've sacrificed your friendship with Steve for this." Bucky said moving to sit on the railing of the porch.

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