4 - Good Soup

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He went back up to the common room and saw Percy chewing on some of the sweets his mother got him.

"Don't eat to many of them Perce. You still got to have dinner later, in half hour." Bucky reminded him.

Percy stared him in the eyes, opened his mouth wide and plopped another sweet in his mouth, challenging him.

Bucky rolled his eyes at his challenge, took the bag out of his hand, stole one of the sweets with little difficulty, placed the bag on the table then proceeded to tickle the boy, who made a futile attempt to escape.

"Net! Net! Papa stop! Papa!" The boy cried whilst laughing, and continued trying to get away.

"Only if you say that, I am the best at everything." Bucky said not relenting.

"I am ze best at everyzing." Percy said in between breaths.

"Smart ass, you know what I meant." Bucky said still tickling him.


Steve walked into the common room and was about to immediately walk back out not wanting to get involved, but Percy saw him.

"Steve! Steve help!" Percy begged.

This distracted Bucky, who turned around to look at his old friend, and Percy used the distraction. He pushed him off, and sprinted and hid behind Steve.

"Zave me." He cried, clinging to Steve's t-shirt.

"I don't know." Steve drawled. "What do I get in return for helping you?"

Percy thought for a minute before answering. "I'll get Clint to ztop pranking you two months."

"You don't have that kind of pull on him." Bucky said.

"Do to." Percy argued.

"You got a counter offer Buck? Cause no pranks for two months sounds kinda nice." Steve smirked.

"I, uh, I'll make you that soup you used to love when we were younger."

"That doesn't cut it. Sorry Buck, but Percy is now safe from you. Come on Perce." Steve said and he and Percy ran out the room and to his, where the boys sat down and put Dumbo on, and it was Steve's 2nd time watching it, having seen it when it was first released in cinema.

The film had been on for a little over 30 minutes when Jarvis spoke. "Mr Barnes would like me to inform you that your dinner is ready."

"Awww." Percy complained, he was liking the film and so was Steve.

"Would you like me to pause the film for you sir?" Jarvis asked them.

"Da please, Jarviz." Percy said loudly, looking at the ceiling before running. "Race you!"

Percy beat Steve by a second, but onky because the elevator doors closed before he could get in there, so be had to run up the stairs.

"You cheated!" Steve gasped.

"Net, your just zlow old man." Percy retorted before taking a seat next to his Papa, and all the Avengers stared at them, wondering when they became such good friends.

"Kids these days." Steve tutted shaking his. "You know back in my day, kids actually respected their elders."

"So you admit zat you old zen?" Percy smirked at the same time his Pa chucked.

"Back in our day Steve, you had respect for no one except your Ma. Especially not people who had more athourity than you. Mr I'm going to dissobay a direct order from the General and save a bunch of P. O. W.s not caring if I get killed after. And before that you would continously break the law and lie over and over again on your enlistment form. That doesn't exactly show alot of respect. "

"Who's side are you on?" Steve grumbled and everyone laughed.

"Hey Barnes, what is this?" Tony asked looking inside the pot.

"Soup." He said not looking at the man and getting himself and Percy a serving.

"What type of soup?" Clint asked.

"The type that you eat." Bucky answered.

"What's in it?" Bruce questioned taking a serving.

"Can't tell you. Promised his Ma I'd keep it secret. Not even he knows." Bucky said pointing to Steve.

"Yeah, why did she tell you and not me?" Steve asked.

"Well obviously it was because I was the favourite son." Bucky joked and Steve glared. "Kidding. It was because you were always too sick to cook for yourself."

Everyone ate some and the ones that weren't trained, looked at Bucky surprised. They didn't know he knew how to cook as well as he could and they all enjoyed the soup.

"So Percy, what did you do with your mother." Natasha asked him.

"Ve talked."

"What about?"

"She talked stories Malysh me." Percy said not remembering the word for baby in English.

"Baby you. Any interesting ones we can embarrass you with when your older?" Clint asked.

"Net." Percy answered with a shake of his head.

"Do you want to see her again?"

"Da." Percy said after thinking about it

"Okay then. I'm sure we can schedule another meeting for you two." Tony said.

"Speaking of meetings. I got to give you another check up Percy." Bruce said and Percy instantly got closer to Bucky shaking his head.

He hated the check ups. Bruce always drew blood, which always required a needle and he also always gave Percy an IV, in order to keep him hydrated, because for whatever reason that he had not figured out, no matter how much water Percy had drank in the 6 months he had been with them, he was still dehydrated, and it was also to help him catch up on the supplements he had missed growing up in Hydra.

"You couldn't of waited until after he had finished eating Bruce?" Clint asked the doctor annoyed.

Percy was definitely eating more than he ever had before, but he was still really thin and still had a very small stomach so he still didn't eat as much as kids his age would, and any mention of something he was scared of put him of off eating.

Bruce gave an apologetic smile to Bucky who just sighed.

"Percy, yesli ty ne zakonchish' vse v etoy tarelke, to ty ne poluchish' obratno eti sladosti, i ty ne zakonchish' tot fil'm, kotoryy smotreli so Steve segodnya vecherom." Bucky said (unless you finish everything in that bowl, then you are not gonna be having those sweets back, and you won't be finishing that film you were watching with Steve tonight)

Percy looked up at his Pa to see if he was being serious and Bucky just raised an eyebrow and asked "So what's it gonna be?"

Reluctantly Percy continued eating. Everyone had discovered very quickly that Percy loved sweets. Especially the sour ones, and they were pretty sure he would do almost anything for them.

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