3 - Meet And Greet

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6 months later and there was some what of a routine in the tower. Percy and Bucky would come down, have breakfast, go for a walk, which got longer each day, then Natasha would teach Percy how to read and write and speak English, as he had only been tought to read Russian, Greek, and Latin, speak those three and Spanish, German, French, Italian and a bit of Portuguese. None of which are a  common first language in American schools, which was the overall goal.

On the weekends Steve would take Percy the park where Percy was slowly starting to play with the other kids. In the tower Clint would take Percy with him to pull pranks on the rest of the Avengers. The one thing that hadn't changed about him was his accent. It was still very Russian, but not as broken.

Overall Percy was enjoying his new life, although when he had to meet new people he got very overwhelmed. It had happened when he met Clints wife and Kids who had come over to visit twice for a week and when he had met Nick Fury, the Avengers boss and Maria Hill, so everyone knew that he was going to get overwhelmed today.

Bruce and Tony had been working together to track down any biological family Percy had in order to find out why and how Hydra had him, and they managed to find a Sally Jackson, who turned out to be Percy's, or as she called him Perseus's, mother and after a DNA test to confirm they agreed that she would come to the tower, answer some questions to make sure it was safe to have Percy around her and then introduce the two.

When Percy found out he didn't know what to do or think. Someone, claiming to be his mom. His entire life he had wondered what it would be like to have a mom. He remembered when he was about five or six, asking Bucky if he was his Dad, and why he didn't have parents. He didn't remember what Bucky told him, only that it was because of Hydra, it was also when he started calling him Papa.

Bruce and Clint went to the lobby to meet Sally, who was wearing her work uniform from a sweet shop.  "I work at a sweet shop and I brought him some. I'm not sure what he likes though, so I got him a bit of everything." She said nervously.

Bruce gave her a kind smile. "If it's got sugar he'll like it."

The men took her to the common room and explained a few things that they didn't on the phone. Like how he doesn't let anyone initiate physical contact with him except Bucky, how he doesn't like new people, and won't take food from anyone but Bucky without looking to him to make sure it's okay, and that he shares absolutely everything with him. How he is very dependent on Bucky, to the point where he can't sleep in a room without him, and won't be in a room alone with someone, unless Bucky is there or more recently Steve or Clint.

Sally nodded. She understood what they were saying. If she had been raised away from people and in a secret terrorist organisation, she was sure she would be acting the same way and she understood that her son looks to this man as a protector and probably as a father figure.

"I'll go get him." Clint said after watching how she reacted to the things they told her, and determining that she could be trusted.

Bruce also left saying that he had some stuff to do in the lab before Tony destroyed it all. She sat on the couch leg bouncing nervously, what if he didn't like her? What if he never wanted to see her again?

She jumped up when she heard the ding of the elevator meaning that her son was here. Behind her son walked tall, very strong looking man, with long dark hair falling to his shoulders and bright electric blue eyes, and he gently pushed a very timid and small boy forwards.

Sally looked at the boy and gasped. In front of her was a mini Poseidon. The sea green eyes, messy black hair, the nose, everything looked like Poseidon.

"You've gotten so big." She gasped a few tears threatening to fall and went to hug him but pulled back knowing he wouldn't like it and instead she offered a hand to Bucky "You must be Mr Barnes. I'm Sally, but you probably already knew that. I just want to say thank you for protecting him, to the best of your ability. It really means alot to me that he wasn't completely alone and had someone to look out for him."

"Call me Bucky. And I needed him as much as he needed me." He told her before crouching down and looking at Percy. "I'm going to be in the kitchen, okay bud."

Percy shook his head and grabbed onto his Pa's hand. "Percy, we talked about this bud. This is time for you and your mother to talk and get to know each other."

"It's okay. I don't mind if you sit with us. Especially if it makes him more comfortable." Sally told Bucky.

They talked for hours, well Sally did, trying her best to get to know her son, and she told them stories about when he was a baby and how Hydra had taken him, and where the name Perseus came from.

It started getting late and Sally got a phone call from her husband telling her to pick some things up from the grocery store. Looking at the time she knew she didn't have much time untill they closed.

She didn't want to leave, but if she didn't then there would be problems at home, not that she could tell them that, she felt torn. She didn't want to leave her child that she had only just found, but she knew asking for him to come home with her would upset and hurt him.

"Does zis mean you leaving?" Percy asked surprising Bucky, he normally asks when someone is leaving not if they were.

"I'm sure she'll be back whenever she isn't busy Perce." Bucky said reassuring the boy.

Sally said her goodbyes to Percy, trying her hardest not to cry. Percy stayed on the couch, while Bucky led Sally to the elevator.

"There is something you should know about Percy's father." Sally said to Bucky sensing that Percy might never live with her.

Bucky looked at her and raised an eyebrow in question.

"He was a God, a Greek one, called Poseidon. This makes Percy a demigod, an extremely powerful demigod, but the moment Percy finds out his life will be in a lot of danger, more so than he already is with Hydra out there." Sally told him.

Bucky didn't really know what to make of that. He knew Percy was supposed to be powerful, he had heard some of the agents talk about it and they were trying to make him more powerful, but a Greek Demigod seemed a bit far but none the less he thanked her and showed her out.

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