Christmas Oneshot

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"Papa, what's Christmas?" Percy asked when watching Finding Nemo for the 100th time in the Avengers Tower with all the Avengers around.

Everyone looked at Bucky, none of them wanted to answer this. It was heartbreaking to them that a kid didn't know what Christmas was.

"It's a holiday that is celebrated by a lot of people all over the world. It started if as a Pagan Holiday called Saturnalia, where the Romans would pray to the God, Saturn, and during this they would feast and give gifts." Bucky started.

"Do people still celebrate it?"

"Yes and no. They no longer celebrate Saturnalia, not after Christianity became a thing. The Christians claimed the holiday for themselves, as the day Jesus Christ was born, and the traditions from Saturnalia stayed. Then many centuries later, there was a man, called Nicholas, who is now known as St Nick, or Santa and even Father Christmas. This is because he was a very king generous old man. Of a night he would go around and put gifts in the homes of the poor for kids who would not get any. And he did it every year until he died. "

"Little is historically known about him, other than that he was born in Rome around 270 AD, he was an early Christian Bishop from Greek decent and is the patron Saint of many things, including children and sailors. As the centuries have gone on, legends arose and one of them is that Santa lives in the North Pole and flies raindeer across the world on the night before Christmas, and delivers presents to all children that have been well behaved."

"So is it only Christians that celebrate Christmas?"

"No, not any more. A lot of the world celebrate Christmas, not because of Jesus but because it is a chance to be with the family and to celebrate being together. There are many people who don't celebrate Christmas, like a lot of Africans, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Islam, Hindus and a lot more people, it just depends on their beliefs and religion."

"Did you celebrate before the war?" Percy asked.

"I did. Along with Steve and my sister."

Percy nodded and continued to watch the film and everyone stared at him for a few moments before that had a silent discussion with each other and decided that Percy's first Christmas is going to be the best.

A/N Hey guys, long time no see, hope you all had a good Christmas and a new year. I know this is short and it will not effect the story in anyway what so ever, I just thought I would add it in due to holiday spirit.

Anyway see you next time!

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