6 - Gay?

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The next couple of months went normally, except that Percy no longer spends as much time with Clint as he had gone home to spend some time with his family at home. His English had increased a lot and Natasha believed he knew enough to go to a normal school. He also had visits with his mom every week.

"But Natasha schools me." Percy said confused looking at his Papa.

"Yes. But that was only a temporary arrangement, until you learnt more English, so that you could go to a school, make friends, go to sleep overs, and be a normal child." Bucky said patiently, they had been with the Avengers for almost a year and the new school year was starting.

"No v shkolakh mnogo lyudey." Percy complained. (But there are a lot of people in schools)

"Percy pozhaluysta. Mne nuzhno, chtoby ty popytalsya sdelat' eto dlya menya. YA i Steve otvezem tebya tuda. Poznakomit' vas s vashimi uchitelyami i pokazat' vam okrestnosti pered nachalom zanyatiy, i libo ya, libo Steve budut podvozit' vas i zabirat' kazhdyy den'. No mne deystvitel'no nuzhno, chtoby ty poproboval." Bucky said using Russian so Percy knew he was being serious. (Percy please. I need you to try to do this for me. Me and Steve will take you there. Introduce you to your teachers and show you around before school starts and either me or Steve will drop you off and pick you up every day. But I really need you to try.)

Percy looked at his Papa and saw that it would mean a lot to him if he did this so he nodded his head slowly.

Bucky wrapped his kid in a hug and kissed his head. He was so glad his kid had agreed to go to school. It meant the government wasn't going to take him away and he got to keep his son.

A knock on their door and Bucky let Percy go. The door opened and there stood Steve. "Hey. I was heading out to get some food. You and Percy want to come?" He asked Bucky.

Percy looked up at his Pa hopefully, he loved going out with Steve and loved it even more when his Pa came along.

Bucky took one look at Percy's face and smiled "Sure. But English only Perce."

"Da!" Percy celebrated then corrected himself "I mean yes?"

Both Bucky and Steve chuckled and Bucky grabbed their jackets handing Percy his and making sure he actually put it on. To a normal American it was cold, but to a kid who grew up in Russia it wasn't, but people still stared and thought he was neglectived because of it.

They left the tower and Percy grabbed his Pa's hand has they walked down the street and after walking for five minutes he also grabbed Steve's hand. The men saw people watching them with surprise. Everyone had seen Percy with at least one of the Avengers and people had assumed that he was one of their kids, and while they weren't wrong no one had confirmed nor denied their suspicion and there was a very large chance that people were going to assume that Percy was the child of both Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers.

Both men knew that this was a very big possibility but neither voiced their thoughts and neither of them thought that it would be such a bad thing. So what if the media thought they were dating and had a kid between them? What were they going to do about it? Strip Steve of his Captain America title, or Bucky of his WW2 Sargent and Vetran title? Good luck.

They got to a dinner and sat in a small booth. Percy next to Steve and Bucky opposite them. A waitress came over and handed them a menu and said she would be back in a few minutes to collect their orders.

Percy looked at the menu and struggled to decipher it, but managed without needing to ask for help. He asked for the chicken burger special with curly fries and a blueberry milkshake, because he wasn't allowed a fizzy drink, and Bucky and Steve asked for a double beef burger with fries and a coffee.

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