11 - Nightmares

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Percy woke up crying and screaming and Bucky ran to the boy and wrapped him in a hug. This type of thing wasn't unusual, but no longer happened as frequently.

"It's okay. Papa's got you. They can't hurt you no more." Bucky whispered holding the boy to his chest.

"Vhere's dad?" Percy asked between his sobs. "I vant dad."

"Percy. You know dad's on a mission." Bucky said softly.

"I-I vant daddy." Percy cried.

"Percy, why do you want dad so badly? What did you dream about?" Bucky asked.

Percy shook his head and again asked for his dad, and Bucky sighed. "Okay. How about we call him? That way you can hear his voice, and talk about your dream. Yeah?"

Percy nodded and Bucky pulled out his phone and called Steve, putting him on speaker. "Hey, Buck. Everything okay?" Steve asked sounding like he just got woken up.

"I think so. Percy wanted to hear your voice. Didn't you bud." Bucky sighed.

Both boys could hear the man give a soft chuckle. "Percy, what are you doing up so late? Was Papa naughty and let you stay up again?"

"No. I - I had a bad dream again." Percy said dejectedly.

"What about bud?" Steve asked repeated Bucky's earlier question.

"You." He mumbled. "Y-you vere in trouble at the airpirt. A lot of trouble."

"What type of trouble?" Steve asked and they could hear his concern, and Bucky tightened his grip on Percy.

"Trouble that you don't come back from." Percy said vaguely. "Daddy, vhen are you coming home?"

"I'm catching a flight first thing in the morning, so I'll be home by the late afternoon." Steve said.

"No. No. Don't go airport." Percy ordered him distressed.

"Percy." Bucky sighed.

"Please daddy. Do not go airport."

"It will take me longer to get home. You realise that?" Steve asked.

Percy nodded, then remembered that he couldn't see him. "I know."

"Okay. Well buddy, make sure Papa gives you plenty of cuddles and makes you a hot chocolate."

"Okay. I love you daddy."

"I love you too Perce. Can you put Papa on the phone." Steve said softly.

Bucky told Percy to go get the things needed to make a hot chocolate.

"Hey Doll." Bucky greeted.

"Hey babe. Do you think his dream was because of-"

"It's possible." Bucky said cutting him off. "But it could also be paranoia. You know he's not used to you going on missions alone, so it could be that."

"Yeah okay. But if that was another prophetic dream then that would of been his third one in less than two months, which means-"

"He's getting stronger. Which means soon he'll know. Which puts him in danger." Bucky sighed. He didn't want to tell Percy what he was. He didn't want Percy to have to leave. And he didn't want Percy to be in danger.

"Yeah. Hey, best not keep the little man waiting. I love you." Steve said.

"Love you too." Bucky replied and they hung up and Bucky walked into the kitchen to see Percy waiting for him.

"You got everything ready then?" Bucky asked.

Percy nodded. They had done this many times, ever since the first time Steve comforted him and found out that distracting him from his dreams was better to get him back to sleep.

"Go on then." Bucky said. Percy was allowed to make anything in the kitchen, as long as he had a responsible adult watching him. So anyone but Tony, Sam and Vision.

After the first few times of helping make it, he started to insist on doing it himself and Bucky didn't mind as long as someone kept an eye on him, to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

Whilst he made his hot chocolate, he would hand things to his Papa for him to either put away, or to just hold, to make him feel involved. Which everyone thought was very sweet.

Once he was done making it, and pouting about only beeing allowed 3 marshmallows, Percy drank it. The hot liquid not affecting him at all, but then again it never had. After the glass was empty he walked back to his room.

"Papa, can you stay?" Percy asked after Bucky had finished tucking him in and was about to leave.

"Percy." Bucky sighed. "You know why-"

"I know. But I'm scared Papa. Please." Percy begged using his baby seal, puppy dog eyes, whilst hugging Alpine who had become an unofficial emotional support animal.

Bucky sighed again but laid down next to his child. Percy immediately curled into his Papa's chest and Bucky wrapped his metal arm protectively around him.

"Dad vse budet khorosho. On budet doma zavtra k polunoch." Bucky told his son. (Dad is going to be okay. He'll be home by midnight tomorrow at the latest.)

"No moya mechta?" Percy asked. (But my dream.)

"Bylo tol'ko eto. Mecht." Bucky lied. "Now go to sleep or I'll sell your stuffed animals.
(Was just that. A dream.)

Percy nodded and closed his eyes, and eventually he fell asleep, his head on Bucky's chest. Bucky on the other hand couldn't sleep. He was too filled with worry. What Steve had said over the phone just wouldn't leave his head and he didn't like it.

When Percy woke up, it was 7 am and he snuggled further into his Papa's chest. Percy had missed waking up feeling this safe. Sure he felt safe waking up with Bucky in the room next to him, but he felt even safer walking up curled up to him, like he had done most of his life.

"Morning Nemo." Bucky chuckled.

"Shhh. Sleeping." Percy grumbled keeping his eyes shut.

"Come on Nemo. We got to clean this place before dad gets home." Bucky said earning another groan, but Percy got up and slumped into the kitchen.

The two had breakfast and got to work on cleaning their home, ready for Steve's return after his 3 day mission. Halfway through their cleaning someone walked in, and Percy looked uo excited hoping it would be Steve.

"Oh, it's you." He said dejectedly as Sam walked in.

"Happy to see you too bud." Sam said confused as to why Percy was acting like that.

"He had a bad dream about Steve, and now he's paranoid." Bucky answered his un-asked question.

"ya ne paranoik." Percy galred from the couch, after he had put the news on. (I am not paranoid)

"Konechno, net." Bucky said and turned to Sam and motioned to the front door, indicating that he wanted to speak to him in private.

"What's up Buck?"

"Steve hasn't answered his phone since last night. And I know he told Percy he wouldn't go the the airport but-" Bucky trailed off.

"But you think he might of anyway." Sam finished and Bucky nodded.

"Alright. Go back inside with Perce, and I'll try and get a hold of him. I'll be back in in ten minutes."

Bucky listened to the man, and went back inside and changed the channel from the news to CBBC wich had a tv show called, Arthur, playing.

A/N So my grandad died 2 weeks ago, got the text whilst I was working, it was during the half term as well, so it was a very busy week for us. Now I have to go up to Liverpool for the funeral at the end of the month and I'm kinda scared.
Last time there was a funeral with that side of the family, my family kicked of, because they didn't agree with something and a brawl almost started on the street.
It also doesn't help this is happening on my father's side of the family, and me and my father do not get along at all, mostly because I am trans and he doesn't like that, and my father is not afraid of throwing a punch and he is a lot bigger than me and I'm scared to cause problems, because my grandad was loved by everyone and was a great man and I don't want to ruin the service by beeing there.

Anyway thanks for reading have a good day. :)

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