13 - Home Free

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A month and a half. That's how long Steve has been in a coma for. A month and a half is how long Bucky and Percy have been going back and forth to the hospital to see him. A month and a half is how long the two have hardly been to see anyone other than Percy's mom.

It's was 3 days before school started up again that Steve woke up. Percy was alseep in Bucky's lap who was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed, but not asleep.

Steve groaned as he opened his eyes and Bucky's head snapped over to Steve and saw the man awake.

"Steve! You're awake!" Bucky exclaimed as he saw Steve's eyes open, and Percy woke up, and practically jumped onto Steve who grunted at the impact.

"Easy buddy." Steve wheezed as Percy hugged him

"You lied to me. You promised you wouldn't go to the airport." Percy said getting off of his dad and becoming angry.

"I know bud, but I wanted to get home to see you." Steve tried to reason

"You would've gotten to see me sooner if you stuck to your promise." Percy grumbled.

"Nemo, go get the doctor please." Bucky told his son, not wanting an argument.

Percy looked at his Pops in disbalief and grumbled as he left the room to find the doctor.

"He's right you know, you lied to him and me." Bucky sighed as Percy closed the door.

"I'm sorry. But I tried to go to the train station but I saw alot of Hydra agents there, and so I turned around and went to the airport." Steve said.

Bucky watched Steve as he explained, and Bucky's heart broke. Steve was lying to him. His Steve, that he had grown up with and had fallen in love with was lying to him.

"Do me a favour, don't lie to me Steve. I've known you since we were kids, sure I still don't remember all of it, but I know when your lying, and Percy will too. And I'll warn you now. Don't break my kids heart, because that boy adores you and if you break his heart, I'll have no choice but to break yours." Bucky warned Steve, letting go of the mans hand, as Percy walked in with a doctor right behind.

Percy saw Bucky remove his hand from Steve's and his hurt face and then looked at Steve trying to put the pieces together.

The doctor started to examine Steve and took him for some tests and left Percy and Bucky in the room alone.

"Are you and dad okay?" Percy asked.

"I'm just upset that he lied." Bucky answered only telling half of the truth.

If Bucky was to be perfectly honest, he didn't know if they were okay. Before Steve went for the mission they had been arguing, at the end of the mission they argued, and they just had a small one again, it's becoming more and more and Bucky truly wasn't sure if they were okay.

A week went by, and Steve was finally allowed out of the hospital and to go home. Bucky brought him home as Percy was in school and he also needed to talk to Steve. The car ride was awkward, as neither of the two knew how to break the ice, until Bucky just said fuck and started talking.

"This isn't going to work if you keep lying. You lied to me about why you went to the airport and you broke a promise to my kid, to your kid, incase you forgot that you also signed the adoption papers." Bucky said not taking his eyes of the road.

"Of course I haven't forgot!" Steve exclaimed.

"Then why do you keep lying to him, to me? I don't understand. What did we do wrong?" Bucky begged for an answer, he hated the lies and the thought of him doing something to hurt his Steve. His Steve that he had known and loved since they were kids.

"Nothing. You haven't done anything wrong. It's me not you, so don't worry about it." Steve said trying to brush the topic away.

"How am I supposed to not worry? This isn't the first time you've been lying to and hurting me and my son and you're telling me not to worry!" At this point Bucky had pulled over so he could face Steve.

"I'm sorry." Was all Steve had to say and Bucky shook his head and started driving again not saying anything.

When they reached the small house, Bucky helped Steve out of the truck and into the living room, helping him onto the couch, before going back out to pick up Percy from school, whilst also calling Sam.

Sam picked up after 3 rings, "What's up Metal Man?"

"Steve keeps lying and I don't know what to do. It started happing a couple of weeks before his mission went southand he has been lying everyday since, I asked him about it and all he had to say was not to worry about it, like it wasn't hurting Percy, or  me and I just don't know what's going on with him." Bucky ranted on the phone.

Sam sighed, "Look man, I'm not completly sure, but I think I have an idea about what's going on, but it's better if he tells you in person. I'll have a word with him and if he doesn't tell you whats going on within a week, I'll tell you, but it's better if he tells you himself, just give me a week." 

"Alright, thanks Sam. I gotta go, I'm almost at the school." Bucky thanked him and hung up. He let out a heavy sigh before putting on a smile and pulling up to the school, where Percy jumped into the truck and fastened his seatbelt, and gave a small wave to a shy looking kid with crutches.

"That a new friend of yours, Nemo?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, he's new so the school thought it would be a good idea to put the two new kids together, because what could go wrong there?" Percy said sarcastically 

"You had that layout memorised within your second day." Bucky laughed.

"They didn't know that." Percy pouted and stuck his tounge out at his pops.

"Is he nice though?"

"Yeah, he's just really shy and nervous, he's got this leg con-con-usloviye, so he cant walk popery?"

"Leg condition, and properly." Bucky told him, correcting his English.

"Con-di-tion, and pop-er-ly?" Percy sounded out then looked to his pops.

"Close, prop-er-ly, ok, there is an r sound after the P."


"That's it!"

Percy smiled as Bucky ruffled his hair and they drove home.

A/N  Hey, guys, I know it's been a while but I've just started back at college and turns out you get a lot of homework for drama that I don't have time to do because I work around 23 hours every weekend, so sorry about that and updates are going to be staying irregular, hope you have enjoyed so far though.

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