10 - Alpine

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Percy really enjoyed his summer. He got to go to the beach for the first time ever, with his Pops. Hugo had slept over multiple times and after Percy swore he saw a man with one eye, he was allowed to start training with Natasha. He also had his regular visits with his mom, but wasn't quite ready to stay there yet. And halfway through Steve had moved in with them, after asking Percy if he was okay with it. He had also been working on his American accent.

Near the end of the summer, Bucky had come home with something in his jacket, and both Percy and Steve questioned him on it, and the older man revealed a small shivering white blob of fur, which turned out to be a kitten.

Percy cooed and started stroking her, while Steve stood there not looking to impressed.

"I couldn't just leave her on the side of the road." Bucky reasoned with his boyfriend.

"Can we keep her? Please Daddy. Can we keep her?" Percy begged Steve, not realising what he had called him.

Both Steve and Bucky looked shocked. That was the first time Percy had called Steve dad. Steve recovered first.

"Fine. But there are rule-"

Before he could finish Percy had collided with the man. "Thanks Steve."

"But like I said, there are rules." Steve started slightly disappointed that he didn't get called dad again. "You and your Pops, yes you too you brought it here, are to decide on a name, feed it, bathe it, change it's litter box, and clean up after it. There is to be no complaining about being covered in cat fur. And if I find any on my uniform, there will be trouble."

Percy smiled and let go of Steve and when back to the kitten that was the kitchen counter, and gently started to pet it.

"What are you going to name her bud?" Bucky asked softly, giving the small cat a scratch under the chin.

"Alpine." Percy said after thinking for a minute.

"Very nice name. Suits her." Bucky commented with approval.

Percy beamed, Alpine purred, Bucky smiled and Steve sighed. There was going to be white cat hair everywhere.

Bucky went into a cupboard and pulled out the shallowest bowl they had, and put a bit of milk in it for Alpine who was happy to have something go into her stomach.

Over the next few days, they had gotten everything Alpine needed. The correct bowls, correct food, a bed for each room, litter trays, with the litter for the litter trays, a cat carrier, and toys.

Alpine had taken to sleeping in Percy's room, and sticking to Bucky's shoulder during day, causing the two to constantly have cat fur on them, and it was most obvious on Bucky who chose to wear dark colours.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" Steve called and both Percy and Bucky knew he was in trouble and that Steve wasn't happy.

"Yeah, Doll?" Bucky called out confused, and Percy went to his room after pointing out that his Pops was in trouble.

"Why are all my towels covered in white fur?!" He asked throwing the towels into the basket, which broke at the force.

"Maybe, doll, it's because you leave them where Alpine can get to them, and she likes to lay on things like that. You need to start putting them in a cupboard or something." Bucky said softly, while getting Steve one of his own towels.

Bucky patted Steve's cheek and walked to Percy's room, to see the boy reading his book about fish to Alpine in Russian, and wrapped an arm around him and listened to him read.

This was something Percy liked to do whenever someone got mad, whether at him or someone else.

"What was dad mad about?" Percy asked looking up from the book.

"He was just upset that Alpines fur were all over his towels. So I gave him one of mine and it's all sorted. Don't you worry Nemo."

After twenty minutes of Percy reading, the boy fell asleep, and Bucky carefully took the book away from him and placed it on his nightstand, and covered him with a blanket, kissed his head and whispered a goodnight and silently left the room leaving the door ajar incase Alpine wanted to come out.

Hi everyone. I know this chapter is small, but I wanted to add something about his summer and really wanted to add Alpine. I'm planning on making Alpine a support animal, for the two, to help them with their PTSD, what do you guys think?

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